Source code for pybel_tools.mutation.collapse

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import logging

import networkx as nx

from pybel import BELGraph
from pybel.dsl import BaseEntity, Gene, Protein
from pybel.struct.filters import build_relation_predicate, filter_edges, has_polarity
from pybel.struct.filters.typing import EdgePredicates
from pybel.struct.mutation import collapse_nodes, collapse_pair, collapse_to_genes, get_subgraph_by_edge_filter
from pybel.struct.pipeline import in_place_transformation, transformation
from pybel.typing import Strings
from ..filters.edge_filters import build_source_namespace_filter, build_target_namespace_filter
from ..summary.edge_summary import pair_is_consistent

__all__ = [

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]@in_place_transformation def collapse_protein_variants(graph: BELGraph) -> None: """Collapse all protein's variants' edges to their parents, in-place.""" _collapse_variants_by_function(graph, PROTEIN)
[docs]@in_place_transformation def collapse_gene_variants(graph: BELGraph) -> None: """Collapse all gene's variants' edges to their parents, in-place.""" _collapse_variants_by_function(graph, GENE)
def _collapse_variants_by_function(graph: BELGraph, func: str) -> None: """Collapse all of the given functions' variants' edges to their parents, in-place.""" for parent_node, variant_node, data in graph.edges(data=True): if data[RELATION] == HAS_VARIANT and parent_node.function == func: collapse_pair(graph, from_node=variant_node, to_node=parent_node)
[docs]@in_place_transformation def rewire_variants_to_genes(graph: BELGraph) -> None: """Find all protein variants that are pointing to a gene and not a protein and fixes them by changing their function to be :data:`pybel.constants.GENE`, in place A use case is after running :func:`collapse_to_genes`. """ mapping = {} for node in graph: if not isinstance(node, Protein) or not node.variants: continue mapping[node] = Gene(, namespace=node.namespace, identifier=node.identifier, variants=node.variants, ) nx.relabel_nodes(graph, mapping, copy=False)
def _collapse_edge_passing_predicates(graph:BELGraph, edge_predicates:EdgePredicates=None) -> None: """Collapse all edges passing the given edge predicates.""" for u, v, _ in filter_edges(graph, edge_predicates=edge_predicates): collapse_pair(graph, survivor=u, victim=v) def _collapse_edge_by_namespace(graph: BELGraph, victim_namespaces: Strings, survivor_namespaces: str, relations: Strings) -> None: """Collapse pairs of nodes with the given namespaces that have the given relationship. :param graph: A BEL Graph :param victim_namespaces: The namespace(s) of the node to collapse :param survivor_namespaces: The namespace of the node to keep :param relations: The relation(s) to search """ relation_filter = build_relation_predicate(relations) source_namespace_filter = build_source_namespace_filter(victim_namespaces) target_namespace_filter = build_target_namespace_filter(survivor_namespaces) edge_predicates = [ relation_filter, source_namespace_filter, target_namespace_filter ] _collapse_edge_passing_predicates(graph, edge_predicates=edge_predicates)
[docs]@in_place_transformation def collapse_equivalencies_by_namespace(graph: BELGraph, victim_namespace: Strings, survivor_namespace: str) -> None: """Collapse pairs of nodes with the given namespaces that have equivalence relationships. :param graph: A BEL graph :param victim_namespace: The namespace(s) of the node to collapse :param survivor_namespace: The namespace of the node to keep To convert all ChEBI names to InChI keys, assuming there are appropriate equivalence relations between nodes with those namespaces: >>> collapse_equivalencies_by_namespace(graph, 'CHEBI', 'CHEBIID') >>> collapse_equivalencies_by_namespace(graph, 'CHEBIID', 'INCHI') """ _collapse_edge_by_namespace(graph, victim_namespace, survivor_namespace, EQUIVALENT_TO)
[docs]@in_place_transformation def collapse_orthologies_by_namespace(graph: BELGraph, victim_namespace: Strings, survivor_namespace: str) -> None: """Collapse pairs of nodes with the given namespaces that have orthology relationships. :param graph: A BEL Graph :param victim_namespace: The namespace(s) of the node to collapse :param survivor_namespace: The namespace of the node to keep To collapse all MGI nodes to their HGNC orthologs, use: >>> collapse_orthologies_by_namespace('MGI', 'HGNC') To collapse collapse both MGI and RGD nodes to their HGNC orthologs, use: >>> collapse_orthologies_by_namespace(['MGI', 'RGD'], 'HGNC') """ _collapse_edge_by_namespace(graph, victim_namespace, survivor_namespace, ORTHOLOGOUS)
@in_place_transformation def collapse_entrez_to_hgnc(graph: BELGraph): """Collapse Entrez equivalences to HGNC.""" collapse_equivalencies_by_namespace(graph, ['EGID', 'EG', 'ENTREZ'], 'HGNC') @in_place_transformation def collapse_mgi_to_hgnc(graph: BELGraph): """Collapse MGI orthologies to HGNC.""" collapse_orthologies_by_namespace(graph, ['MGI', 'MGIID'], 'HGNC') @in_place_transformation def collapse_rgd_to_hgnc(graph: BELGraph): """Collapse RGD orthologies to HGNC.""" collapse_orthologies_by_namespace(graph, ['RGD', 'RGDID'], 'HGNC') @in_place_transformation def collapse_flybase_to_hgnc(graph: BELGraph): """Collapse FlyBase orthologies to HGNC.""" collapse_orthologies_by_namespace(graph, 'FLYBASE', 'HGNC') @in_place_transformation def collapse_entrez_equivalencies(graph: BELGraph): """Collapse all equivalence edges away from Entrez. Assumes well formed, 2-way equivalencies.""" relation_filter = build_relation_predicate(EQUIVALENT_TO) source_namespace_filter = build_source_namespace_filter(['EGID', 'EG', 'ENTREZ']) edge_predicates = [ relation_filter, source_namespace_filter, ] _collapse_edge_passing_predicates(graph, edge_predicates=edge_predicates)
[docs]@in_place_transformation def collapse_consistent_edges(graph: BELGraph): """Collapse consistent edges together. .. warning:: This operation doesn't preserve evidences or other annotations """ for u, v in graph.edges(): relation = pair_is_consistent(graph, u, v) if not relation: continue edges = [(u, v, k) for k in graph[u][v]] graph.remove_edges_from(edges) graph.add_edge(u, v, attr_dict={RELATION: relation})
[docs]@transformation def collapse_to_protein_interactions(graph: BELGraph) -> BELGraph: """Collapse to a graph made of only causal gene/protein edges.""" rv: BELGraph = graph.copy() collapse_to_genes(rv) def is_edge_ppi(_: BELGraph, u: BaseEntity, v: BaseEntity, __: str) -> bool: """Check if an edge is a PPI.""" return isinstance(u, Gene) and isinstance(v, Gene) return get_subgraph_by_edge_filter(rv, edge_predicates=[has_polarity, is_edge_ppi])