
This module contains functions for filtering node and edge iterables. It relies heavily on the concepts of functional programming and the concept of predicates.

Node Filters

A node filter is a function that takes two arguments: a pybel.BELGraph and a node tuple. It returns a boolean representing whether the node passed the given test.

This module contains a set of default functions for filtering lists of nodes and building node filtering functions.

A general use for a node filter function is to use the built-in filter() in code like filter(your_node_filter, graph)

pybel_tools.filters.node_filters.summarize_node_filter(graph, node_filters)[source]

Print a summary of the number of nodes passing a given set of filters.

  • graph (BELGraph) – A BEL graph
  • node_filters (Union[Callable[[BELGraph, BaseEntity], bool], Iterable[Callable[[BELGraph, BaseEntity], bool]]]) – A node filter or list/tuple of node filters
Return type:



Build a filter that only passes on nodes in the given list.

Parameters:nodes (Iterable[BaseEntity]) – An iterable of BEL nodes
Return type:Callable[[BELGraph, BaseEntity], bool]

Build a filter that fails on nodes in the given list.

Return type:Callable[[BELGraph, BaseEntity], bool]

Build a filter that only passes on nodes of the given function(s).

Parameters:func (Union[str, Iterable[str]]) – A BEL Function or list/set/tuple of BEL functions
Return type:Callable[[BELGraph, BaseEntity], bool]

Build a filter that fails on nodes of the given function(s).

Parameters:func (Union[str, Iterable[str]]) – A BEL Function or list/set/tuple of BEL functions
Return type:Callable[[BELGraph, BaseEntity], bool]
pybel_tools.filters.node_filters.function_namespace_inclusion_builder(func, namespace)[source]

Build a filter function for matching the given BEL function with the given namespace or namespaces.

Return type:

Callable[[BELGraph, BaseEntity], bool]


Build a filter that passes only on nodes that have the given key in their data dictionary.

Parameters:key (str) – A key for the node’s data dictionary
Return type:Callable[[BELGraph, BaseEntity], bool]
pybel_tools.filters.node_filters.node_has_label(_, node)

Passes for nodes that have been annotated with a label

Return type:bool
pybel_tools.filters.node_filters.node_missing_label(graph, node)

Fails for nodes that have been annotated with a label

Return type:bool
pybel_tools.filters.node_filters.include_pathology_filter(_, node)

A filter that passes for nodes that are pybel.constants.PATHOLOGY

Return type:bool
pybel_tools.filters.node_filters.exclude_pathology_filter(_, node)

A filter that fails for nodes that are pybel.constants.PATHOLOGY

Return type:bool

Build a filter that passes only on nodes that don’t have the given key in their data dictionary.

Parameters:key (str) – A key for the node’s data dictionary
Return type:Callable[[BELGraph, BaseEntity], bool]

Build a filter for nodes whose associated data with the given key passes the given predicate.

  • key (str) – The node data dictionary key to check
  • data_predicate (Callable[[Any], bool]) – The filter to apply to the node data dictionary
Return type:

Callable[[BELGraph, BaseEntity], bool]

Build a node filter for nodes whose values for the given key are superstrings of the query string(s).

  • query (str or iter[str]) – The query string or strings to check if they’re in the node name
  • key (str) – The key for the node data dictionary. Should refer only to entries that have str values
Return type:

Callable[[BELGraph, BaseEntity], bool]

Edge Filters

A edge filter is a function that takes five arguments: a pybel.BELGraph, a source node tuple, a target node tuple, a key, and a data dictionary. It returns a boolean representing whether the edge passed the given test.

This module contains a set of default functions for filtering lists of edges and building edge filtering functions.

A general use for an edge filter function is to use the built-in filter() in code like filter(your_edge_filter, graph.edges_iter(keys=True, data=True))

pybel_tools.filters.edge_filters.summarize_edge_filter(graph, edge_predicates)[source]

Print a summary of the number of edges passing a given set of filters.

Return type:None
pybel_tools.filters.edge_filters.build_edge_data_filter(annotations, partial_match=True)[source]

Build a filter that keeps edges whose data dictionaries are super-dictionaries to the given dictionary.

  • annotations (dict) – The annotation query dict to match
  • partial_match (bool) – Should the query values be used as partial or exact matches? Defaults to True.
Return type:

Callable[[BELGraph, BaseEntity, BaseEntity, str], bool]


Pass for edges with citations whose references are one of the given PubMed identifiers.

Parameters:pmid (Union[str, Iterable[str]]) – A PubMed identifier or list of PubMed identifiers to filter for
Return type:Callable[[BELGraph, BaseEntity, BaseEntity, str], bool]

Fail for edges with citations whose references are one of the given PubMed identifiers.

Parameters:pmid (Union[str, Iterable[str]]) – A PubMed identifier or list of PubMed identifiers to filter against
Return type:Callable[[BELGraph, BaseEntity, BaseEntity, str], bool]

Only passes for edges with author information that matches one of the given authors

Parameters:author (Union[str, Iterable[str]]) – The author or list of authors to filter by
Return type:Callable[[BELGraph, BaseEntity, BaseEntity, str], bool]

Only passes for edges whose source nodes have the given namespace or one of the given namespaces

Parameters:namespaces (Union[str, Iterable[str]]) – The namespace or namespaces to filter by
Return type:Callable[[BELGraph, BaseEntity, BaseEntity, str], bool]

Only passes for edges whose target nodes have the given namespace or one of the given namespaces

Parameters:namespaces (Union[str, Iterable[str]]) – The namespace or namespaces to filter by
Return type:Callable[[BELGraph, BaseEntity, BaseEntity, str], bool]

Build an edge predicate for edges whose annotations are super-dictionaries of the given dictionary.

If no annotations are given, will always evaluate to true.

Parameters:annotations (Mapping[str, Iterable[str]]) – The annotation query dict to match
Return type:Callable[[BELGraph, BaseEntity, BaseEntity, str], bool]

Build an edge predicate that passes for edges whose data dictionaries match the given dictionary.

If the given dictionary is empty, will always evaluate to true.

Parameters:annotations (Mapping[str, Iterable[str]]) – The annotation query dict to match
Return type:Callable[[BELGraph, BaseEntity, BaseEntity, str], bool]
pybel_tools.filters.edge_filters.has_pathology_causal(graph, u, v, k)[source]

Check if the subject is a pathology and has a causal relationship with a non bioprocess/pathology.

Return type:bool
Returns:If the subject of this edge is a pathology and it participates in a causal reaction.