Reverse Causal Reasoning

An implementation of Reverse Causal Reasoning (RCR) described by [Catlett2013].

[Catlett2013]Catlett, N. L., et al (2013). Reverse causal reasoning: applying qualitative causal knowledge to the interpretation of high-throughput data. BMC Bioinformatics, 14(1), 340.
pybel_tools.analysis.rcr.run_rcr(graph, tag='dgxp')[source]

Run the reverse causal reasoning algorithm on a graph.


  1. Get all downstream controlled things into map (that have at least 4 downstream things)
  2. calculate population of all things that are downstream controlled


Assumes all nodes have been pre-tagged with data

  • graph (pybel.BELGraph) –
  • tag (str) – The key for the nodes’ data dictionaries that corresponds to the integer value for its differential expression.