Source code for pybel_tools.analysis.spia

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""An exporter for signaling pathway impact analysis (SPIA) described by [Tarca2009]_.

.. [Tarca2009] Tarca, A. L., *et al* (2009). `A novel signaling pathway impact analysis
               <>`_. Bioinformatics, 25(1), 75–82.

To run this module on an arbitrary BEL graph, use the command ``python -m pybel_tools.analysis.spia``.

.. seealso::

import os
import sys
from itertools import product
from typing import Dict, Mapping, Set

import click
import pandas as pd
from tqdm import tqdm

from pybel import BELGraph
from pybel.cli import graph_pickle_argument
from pybel.constants import (
from pybel.dsl import CentralDogma, Gene, ListAbundance, ProteinModification, Rna
from pybel.typing import EdgeData

__all__ = [

    "state change",
    "activation_indirect effect",
    "expression_indirect effect",
    "inhibition_indirect effect",
    "indirect effect_phosphorylation",
    "indirect effect",

[docs]def bel_to_spia_matrices(graph: BELGraph) -> Mapping[str, pd.DataFrame]: """Create an excel sheet ready to be used in SPIA software. :param graph: BELGraph :return: dictionary with matrices """ index_nodes = get_matrix_index(graph) spia_matrices = build_spia_matrices(index_nodes) for u, v, edge_data in tqdm(graph.edges(data=True), total=graph.number_of_edges()): # Both nodes are CentralDogma abundances if isinstance(u, CentralDogma) and isinstance(v, CentralDogma): # Update matrix dict update_spia_matrices(spia_matrices, u, v, edge_data) # Subject is CentralDogmaAbundance and node is ListAbundance elif isinstance(u, CentralDogma) and isinstance(v, ListAbundance): # Add a relationship from subject to each of the members in the object for node in v.members: # Skip if the member is not in CentralDogma if not isinstance(node, CentralDogma): continue update_spia_matrices(spia_matrices, u, node, edge_data) # Subject is ListAbundance and node is CentralDogmaAbundance elif isinstance(u, ListAbundance) and isinstance(v, CentralDogma): # Add a relationship from each of the members of the subject to the object for node in u.members: # Skip if the member is not in CentralDogma if not isinstance(node, CentralDogma): continue update_spia_matrices(spia_matrices, node, v, edge_data) # Both nodes are ListAbundance elif isinstance(u, ListAbundance) and isinstance(v, ListAbundance): for sub_member, obj_member in product(u.members, v.members): # Update matrix if both are CentralDogma if isinstance(sub_member, CentralDogma) and isinstance(obj_member, CentralDogma): update_spia_matrices(spia_matrices, sub_member, obj_member, edge_data) # else Not valid edge return spia_matrices
def get_matrix_index(graph: BELGraph) -> Set[str]: """Return set of HGNC names from Proteins/Rnas/Genes/miRNA, nodes that can be used by SPIA.""" # TODO: Using HGNC Symbols for now return { for node in graph if isinstance(node, CentralDogma) and node.namespace.upper() == 'HGNC' } def build_spia_matrices(nodes: Set[str]) -> Dict[str, pd.DataFrame]: """Build an adjacency matrix for each KEGG relationship and return in a dictionary. :param nodes: A set of HGNC gene symbols :return: Dictionary of adjacency matrix for each relationship """ nodes = list(sorted(nodes)) return { relation: pd.DataFrame(0, index=nodes, columns=nodes) for relation in KEGG_RELATIONS } def update_spia_matrices(spia_matrices: Dict[str, pd.DataFrame], u: CentralDogma, v: CentralDogma, edge_data: EdgeData, ) -> None: """Populate the adjacency matrix.""" if u.namespace.upper() != 'HGNC' or v.namespace.upper() != 'HGNC': return u_name = v_name = relation = edge_data[RELATION] if relation in CAUSAL_INCREASE_RELATIONS: # If it has pmod check which one and add it to the corresponding matrix if v.variants and any(isinstance(variant, ProteinModification) for variant in v.variants): for variant in v.variants: if not isinstance(variant, ProteinModification): continue if variant[IDENTIFIER][NAME] == "Ub": spia_matrices["activation_ubiquination"][u_name][v_name] = 1 elif variant[IDENTIFIER][NAME] == "Ph": spia_matrices["activation_phosphorylation"][u_name][v_name] = 1 elif isinstance(v, (Gene, Rna)): # Normal increase, add activation spia_matrices['expression'][u_name][v_name] = 1 else: spia_matrices['activation'][u_name][v_name] = 1 elif relation in CAUSAL_DECREASE_RELATIONS: # If it has pmod check which one and add it to the corresponding matrix if v.variants and any(isinstance(variant, ProteinModification) for variant in v.variants): for variant in v.variants: if not isinstance(variant, ProteinModification): continue if variant[IDENTIFIER][NAME] == "Ub": spia_matrices['inhibition_ubiquination'][u_name][v_name] = 1 elif variant[IDENTIFIER][NAME] == "Ph": spia_matrices["inhibition_phosphorylation"][u_name][v_name] = 1 elif isinstance(v, (Gene, Rna)): # Normal decrease, check which matrix spia_matrices["repression"][u_name][v_name] = 1 else: spia_matrices["inhibition"][u_name][v_name] = 1 elif relation == ASSOCIATION: spia_matrices["binding_association"][u_name][v_name] = 1
[docs]def spia_matrices_to_excel(spia_matrices: Mapping[str, pd.DataFrame], path: str) -> None: """Export a SPIA data dictionary into an Excel sheet at the given path. .. note:: # The R import should add the values: # ["nodes"] from the columns # ["title"] from the name of the file # ["NumberOfReactions"] set to "0" """ writer = pd.ExcelWriter(path, engine='xlsxwriter') for relation, df in spia_matrices.items(): df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name=relation) # Save excel
[docs]def spia_matrices_to_tsvs(spia_matrices: Mapping[str, pd.DataFrame], directory: str) -> None: """Export a SPIA data dictionary into a directory as several TSV documents.""" os.makedirs(directory, exist_ok=True) for relation, df in spia_matrices.items(): df.to_csv(os.path.join(directory, f'{relation}.tsv'), index=True)
@click.command() @graph_pickle_argument @click.option('--xlsx', type=click.Path(file_okay=True, dir_okay=False)) @click.option('--tsvs', type=click.Path(file_okay=False, dir_okay=True)) def main(graph: BELGraph, xlsx: str, tsvs: str): """Export the graph to a SPIA Excel sheet.""" if not xlsx and not tsvs: click.secho('Specify at least one option --xlsx or --tsvs', fg='red') sys.exit(1) spia_matrices = bel_to_spia_matrices(graph) if xlsx: spia_matrices_to_excel(spia_matrices, xlsx) if tsvs: spia_matrices_to_tsvs(spia_matrices, tsvs) if __name__ == '__main__': main()