Source code for pybel.struct.pipeline.pipeline

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""This module holds the Pipeline class."""

import json
import logging
import types
from functools import wraps
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, TextIO, Tuple, Union

from .decorators import get_transformation, in_place_map, mapped, universe_map
from .exc import MetaValueError, MissingPipelineFunctionError, MissingUniverseError
from ..operations import node_intersection, union

__all__ = [

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

META_UNION = "union"
META_INTERSECTION = "intersection"

def _get_protocol_tuple(data: Dict[str, Any]) -> Tuple[str, List, Dict]:
    """Convert a dictionary to a tuple."""
    return data["function"], data.get("args", []), data.get("kwargs", {})

[docs]class Pipeline: """Build and runs analytical pipelines on BEL graphs. Example usage: >>> from pybel import BELGraph >>> from pybel.struct.pipeline import Pipeline >>> from pybel.struct.mutation import enrich_protein_and_rna_origins, prune_protein_rna_origins >>> graph = BELGraph() >>> example = Pipeline() >>> example.append(enrich_protein_and_rna_origins) >>> example.append(prune_protein_rna_origins) >>> result = """ def __init__(self, protocol: Optional[Iterable[Dict]] = None): """Initialize the pipeline with an optional pre-defined protocol. :param protocol: An iterable of dictionaries describing how to transform a network """ self.universe = None self.protocol = protocol or [] def __len__(self): return len(self.protocol) def __iter__(self): return iter(self.protocol)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_functions(functions) -> "Pipeline": """Build a pipeline from a list of functions. :param functions: A list of functions or names of functions :type functions: iter[((pybel.BELGraph) -> pybel.BELGraph) or ((pybel.BELGraph) -> None) or str] Example with function: >>> from pybel.struct.pipeline import Pipeline >>> from pybel.struct.mutation import remove_associations >>> pipeline = Pipeline.from_functions([remove_associations]) Equivalent example with function names: >>> from pybel.struct.pipeline import Pipeline >>> pipeline = Pipeline.from_functions(['remove_associations']) Lookup by name is possible for built in functions, and those that have been registered correctly using one of the four decorators: 1. :func:`pybel.struct.pipeline.transformation`, 2. :func:`pybel.struct.pipeline.in_place_transformation`, 3. :func:`pybel.struct.pipeline.uni_transformation`, 4. :func:`pybel.struct.pipeline.uni_in_place_transformation`, """ result = Pipeline() for func in functions: result.append(func) return result
def _get_function(self, name: str): """Wrap a function with the universe and in-place. :param name: The name of the function :rtype: types.FunctionType :raises MissingPipelineFunctionError: If the functions is not registered """ f = mapped.get(name) if f is None: raise MissingPipelineFunctionError("{} is not registered as a pipeline function".format(name)) if name in universe_map and name in in_place_map: return self._wrap_in_place(self._wrap_universe(f)) if name in universe_map: return self._wrap_universe(f) if name in in_place_map: return self._wrap_in_place(f) return f
[docs] def append(self, name, *args, **kwargs) -> "Pipeline": """Add a function (either as a reference, or by name) and arguments to the pipeline. :param name: The name of the function :type name: str or (pybel.BELGraph -> pybel.BELGraph) :param args: The positional arguments to call in the function :param kwargs: The keyword arguments to call in the function :return: This pipeline for fluid query building :raises MissingPipelineFunctionError: If the function is not registered """ if isinstance(name, types.FunctionType): return self.append(name.__name__, *args, **kwargs) elif isinstance(name, str): get_transformation(name) else: raise TypeError("invalid function argument: {}".format(name)) av = { "function": name, } if args: av["args"] = args if kwargs: av["kwargs"] = kwargs self.protocol.append(av) return self
[docs] def extend(self, protocol: Union[Iterable[Dict], "Pipeline"]) -> "Pipeline": """Add another pipeline to the end of the current pipeline. :param protocol: An iterable of dictionaries (or another Pipeline) :return: This pipeline for fluid query building Example: >>> p1 = Pipeline.from_functions(['enrich_protein_and_rna_origins']) >>> p2 = Pipeline.from_functions(['remove_pathologies']) >>> p1.extend(p2) """ for data in protocol: name, args, kwargs = _get_protocol_tuple(data) self.append(name, *args, **kwargs) return self
def _run_helper(self, graph, protocol: Iterable[Dict]): """Help run the protocol. :param pybel.BELGraph graph: A BEL graph :param protocol: The protocol to run, as JSON :rtype: pybel.BELGraph """ result = graph for entry in protocol: meta_entry = entry.get("meta") if meta_entry is None: name, args, kwargs = _get_protocol_tuple(entry) func = self._get_function(name) result = func(result, *args, **kwargs) else: networks = (self._run_helper(graph, subprotocol) for subprotocol in entry["pipelines"]) if meta_entry == META_UNION: result = union(networks) elif meta_entry == META_INTERSECTION: result = node_intersection(networks) else: raise MetaValueError("invalid meta-command: {}".format(meta_entry)) return result
[docs] def run(self, graph, universe=None): """Run the contained protocol on a seed graph. :param pybel.BELGraph graph: The seed BEL graph :param pybel.BELGraph universe: Allows just-in-time setting of the universe in case it wasn't set before. Defaults to the given network. :return: The new graph is returned if not applied in-place :rtype: pybel.BELGraph """ self.universe = universe or graph.copy() return self._run_helper(graph.copy(), self.protocol)
def __call__(self, graph, universe=None): """Call :meth:``. :param pybel.BELGraph graph: The seed BEL graph :param pybel.BELGraph universe: Allows just-in-time setting of the universe in case it wasn't set before. Defaults to the given network. :param bool in_place: Should the graph be copied before applying the algorithm? :return: The new graph is returned if not applied in-place :rtype: pybel.BELGraph Using __call__ allows for methods to be chained together then applied >>> from pybel.struct.mutation import remove_associations, remove_pathologies >>> from pybel.struct.pipeline.pipeline import Pipeline >>> from pybel import BELGraph >>> pipe = Pipeline.from_functions([remove_associations, remove_pathologies]) >>> graph = BELGraph() ... >>> new_graph = pipe(graph) """ return, universe=universe) def _wrap_universe(self, func): # noqa: D202 """Take a function that needs a universe graph as the first argument and returns a wrapped one.""" @wraps(func) def wrapper(graph, *args, **kwargs): """Apply the enclosed function with the universe given as the first argument.""" if self.universe is None: raise MissingUniverseError( "Can not run universe function [{}] - No universe is set".format(func.__name__), ) return func(self.universe, graph, *args, **kwargs) return wrapper @staticmethod def _wrap_in_place(func): # noqa: D202 """Take a function that doesn't return the graph and returns the graph.""" @wraps(func) def wrapper(graph, *args, **kwargs): """Apply the enclosed function and returns the graph.""" func(graph, *args, **kwargs) return graph return wrapper
[docs] def to_json(self) -> List: """Return this pipeline as a JSON list.""" return self.protocol
[docs] def dumps(self, **kwargs) -> str: """Dump this pipeline as a JSON string.""" return json.dumps(self.to_json(), **kwargs)
[docs] def dump(self, file: TextIO, **kwargs) -> None: """Dump this protocol to a file in JSON.""" return json.dump(self.to_json(), file, **kwargs)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_json(data: List) -> "Pipeline": """Build a pipeline from a JSON list.""" return Pipeline(data)
[docs] @staticmethod def load(file: TextIO) -> "Pipeline": """Load a protocol from JSON contained in file. :return: The pipeline represented by the JSON in the file :raises MissingPipelineFunctionError: If any functions are not registered """ return Pipeline.from_json(json.load(file))
[docs] @staticmethod def loads(s: str) -> "Pipeline": """Load a protocol from a JSON string. :param s: A JSON string :return: The pipeline represented by the JSON in the file :raises MissingPipelineFunctionError: If any functions are not registered """ return Pipeline.from_json(json.loads(s))
def __str__(self): return json.dumps(self.protocol, indent=2) @staticmethod def _build_meta(meta: str, pipelines: Iterable["Pipeline"]) -> "Pipeline": """Build a pipeline with a given meta-argument. :param meta: either union or intersection :param pipelines: """ return Pipeline( protocol=[ { "meta": meta, "pipelines": [pipeline.protocol for pipeline in pipelines], }, ], )
[docs] @staticmethod def union(pipelines: Iterable["Pipeline"]) -> "Pipeline": """Take the union of multiple pipelines. :param pipelines: A list of pipelines :return: The union of the results from multiple pipelines """ return Pipeline._build_meta(META_UNION, pipelines)
[docs] @staticmethod def intersection(pipelines: Iterable["Pipeline"]) -> "Pipeline": """Take the intersection of the results from multiple pipelines. :param pipelines: A list of pipelines :return: The intersection of results from multiple pipelines """ return Pipeline._build_meta(META_INTERSECTION, pipelines)