Source code for pybel.struct.mutation.induction.upstream

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Functions for inducing up/downstream causal subgraphs."""

import logging
from typing import Iterable, Union

from .utils import get_subgraph_by_edge_filter
from ...filters import build_downstream_edge_predicate, build_upstream_edge_predicate
from ...pipeline import transformation
from ....dsl import BaseEntity

__all__ = [

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]@transformation def get_upstream_causal_subgraph(graph, nbunch: Union[BaseEntity, Iterable[BaseEntity]]): """Induce a sub-graph from all of the upstream causal entities of the nodes in the nbunch. :type graph: pybel.BELGraph :rtype: pybel.BELGraph """ return get_subgraph_by_edge_filter(graph, build_upstream_edge_predicate(nbunch))
[docs]@transformation def get_downstream_causal_subgraph(graph, nbunch: Union[BaseEntity, Iterable[BaseEntity]]): """Induce a sub-graph from all of the downstream causal entities of the nodes in the nbunch. :type graph: pybel.BELGraph :rtype: pybel.BELGraph """ return get_subgraph_by_edge_filter(graph, build_downstream_edge_predicate(nbunch))