Input and Output

Input and output functions for BEL graphs.

PyBEL provides multiple lossless interchange options for BEL. Lossy output formats are also included for convenient export to other programs. Notably, a de facto interchange using Resource Description Framework (RDF) to match the ability of other existing software is excluded due the immaturity of the BEL to RDF mapping.

pybel.load(path, **kwargs)[source]

Read a BEL graph.

  • path (str) – The path to a BEL graph in any of the formats with extensions described below

  • kwargs – The keyword arguments are passed to the importer function

Return type



A BEL graph.

This is the universal loader, which means any file path can be given and PyBEL will look up the appropriate load function. Allowed extensions are:

  • bel

  • bel.nodelink.json


  • bel.jgif.json

The previous extensions also support gzipping. Other allowed extensions that don’t support gzip are:

  • bel.pickle / bel.gpickle / bel.pkl

  • indra.json

pybel.dump(graph, path, **kwargs)[source]

Write a BEL graph.

  • graph (BELGraph) – A BEL graph

  • path (str) – The path to which the BEL graph is written.

  • kwargs – The keyword arguments are passed to the exporter function

This is the universal loader, which means any file path can be given and PyBEL will look up the appropriate writer function. Allowed extensions are:

  • bel

  • bel.nodelink.json

  • bel.unodelink.json


  • bel.jgif.json

  • bel.graphdati.json

The previous extensions also support gzipping. Other allowed extensions that don’t support gzip are:

  • bel.pickle / bel.gpickle / bel.pkl

  • indra.json

  • tsv

  • gsea

Return type



Parsing Modes

The PyBEL parser has several modes that can be enabled and disabled. They are described below.

Allow Naked Names

By default, this is set to False. The parser does not allow identifiers that are not qualified with namespaces (naked names), like in p(YFG). A proper namespace, like p(HGNC:YFG) must be used. By setting this to True, the parser becomes permissive to naked names. In general, this is bad practice and this feature will be removed in the future.

Allow Nested

By default, this is set to False. The parser does not allow nested statements is disabled. See overview. By setting this to True the parser will accept nested statements one level deep.

Citation Clearing

By default, this is set to True. While the BEL specification clearly states how the language should be used as a state machine, many BEL documents do not conform to the strict SET/UNSET rules. To guard against annotations accidentally carried from one set of statements to the next, the parser has two modes. By default, in citation clearing mode, when a SET CITATION command is reached, it will clear all other annotations (except the STATEMENT_GROUP, which has higher priority). This behavior can be disabled by setting this to False to re-enable strict parsing.


pybel.from_bel_script(path, **kwargs)[source]

Load a BEL graph from a file resource. This function is a thin wrapper around from_lines().


path (Union[str, TextIO]) – A path or file-like

The remaining keyword arguments are passed to, which populates a BELGraph.

Return type


pybel.from_bel_script_url(url, **kwargs)[source]

Load a BEL graph from a URL resource.


url (str) – A valid URL pointing to a BEL document

The remaining keyword arguments are passed to

Return type


pybel.to_bel_script(graph, path, use_identifiers=True)[source]

Write the BELGraph as a canonical BEL script.

  • graph (BELGraph) – the BEL Graph to output as a BEL Script

  • path (Union[str, TextIO]) – A path or file-like.

  • use_identifiers (bool) – Enables extended BEP-0008 syntax

Return type



Importer for Hetionet JSON.

pybel.from_hetionet_json(hetionet_dict, use_tqdm=True)[source]

Convert a Hetionet dictionary to a BEL graph.

Return type



Get Hetionet from a JSON file.

Return type



Get Hetionet from its JSON GZ file.

Return type



Get Hetionet from GitHub, cache, and convert to BEL.

Return type



All transport pairs are reflective and data-preserving.


Conversion functions for BEL graphs with bytes and Python pickles.

pybel.from_bytes(bytes_graph, check_version=True)[source]

Read a graph from bytes (the result of pickling the graph).

  • bytes_graph (bytes) – File or filename to write

  • check_version (bool) – Checks if the graph was produced by this version of PyBEL

Return type


pybel.to_bytes(graph, protocol=4)[source]

Convert a graph to bytes with pickle.

Note that the pickle module has some incompatibilities between Python 2 and 3. To export a universally importable pickle, choose 0, 1, or 2.

  • graph (BELGraph) – A BEL network

  • protocol (int) – Pickling protocol to use. Defaults to HIGHEST_PROTOCOL.

Return type


pybel.from_pickle(path, check_version=True)[source]

Read a graph from a pickle file.

  • path (Union[str, BinaryIO]) – File or filename to read. Filenames ending in .gz or .bz2 will be uncompressed.

  • check_version (bool) – Checks if the graph was produced by this version of PyBEL

Return type


pybel.to_pickle(graph, path, protocol=4)[source]

Write this graph to a pickle object with networkx.write_gpickle().

Note that the pickle module has some incompatibilities between Python 2 and 3. To export a universally importable pickle, choose 0, 1, or 2.

  • graph (BELGraph) – A BEL graph

  • path (Union[str, BinaryIO]) – A path or file-like

  • protocol (int) – Pickling protocol to use. Defaults to HIGHEST_PROTOCOL.

Return type


Cyberinfrastructure Exchange

This module wraps conversion between pybel.BELGraph and the Cyberinfrastructure Exchange (CX) JSON.

CX is an aspect-oriented network interchange format encoded in JSON with a format inspired by the JSON-LD encoding of Resource Description Framework (RDF). It is primarily used by the Network Data Exchange (NDEx) and more recent versions of Cytoscape.

See also


Rebuild a BELGraph from CX JSON output from PyBEL.


cx (List[Dict]) – The CX JSON for this graph

Return type



Convert a BEL Graph to a CX JSON object for use with NDEx.

Return type



Read a BEL graph from a CX JSON string.

Return type


pybel.to_cx_jsons(graph, **kwargs)[source]

Dump this graph as a CX JSON object to a string.

Return type



Read a file containing CX JSON and converts to a BEL graph.


path (Union[str, TextIO]) – A readable file or file-like containing the CX JSON for this graph

Return type



A BEL Graph representing the CX graph contained in the file

pybel.to_cx_file(graph, path, indent=2, **kwargs)[source]

Write a BEL graph to a JSON file in CX format.

  • graph (BELGraph) – A BEL graph

  • path (Union[str, TextIO]) – A writable file or file-like

  • indent (Optional[int]) – How many spaces to use to pretty print. Change to None for no pretty printing

Example: >>> from pybel.examples import sialic_acid_graph >>> from pybel import to_cx_file >>> with open(‘’, ‘w’) as f: >>> … to_cx_file(sialic_acid_graph, f)

Return type



Read a graph as CX JSON from a gzip file.

Return type


pybel.to_cx_gz(graph, path, **kwargs)[source]

Write a graph as CX JSON to a gzip file.

Return type


JSON Graph Interchange Format

Conversion functions for BEL graphs with JGIF JSON.

The JSON Graph Interchange Format (JGIF) is specified similarly to the Node-Link JSON. Interchange with this format provides compatibilty with other software and repositories, such as the Causal Biological Network Database.


Build a BEL graph from a JGIF JSON object.


graph_jgif_dict (dict) – The JSON object representing the graph in JGIF format

Return type



Build a JGIF dictionary from a BEL graph.


graph (pybel.BELGraph) – A BEL graph


A JGIF dictionary

Return type



Untested! This format is not general purpose and is therefore time is not heavily invested. If you want to use Cytoscape.js, we suggest using pybel.to_cx() instead.

Example: >>> import pybel, os, json >>> graph_url = ‘’ >>> graph = pybel.from_bel_script_url(graph_url) >>> graph_jgif_json = pybel.to_jgif(graph) >>> with open(os.path.expanduser(‘~/Desktop/small_corpus.json’), ‘w’) as f: … json.dump(graph_jgif_json, f)


Read a BEL graph from a JGIF JSON string.

Return type


pybel.to_jgif_jsons(graph, **kwargs)[source]

Dump this graph as a JGIF JSON object to a string.

Return type



Build a graph from the JGIF JSON contained in the given file.


path (Union[str, TextIO]) – A path or file-like

Return type


pybel.to_jgif_file(graph, file, **kwargs)[source]

Write JGIF to a file.

Return type



Read a graph as JGIF JSON from a gzip file.

Return type


pybel.to_jgif_gz(graph, path, **kwargs)[source]

Write a graph as JGIF JSON to a gzip file.

Return type


pybel.post_jgif(graph, url, **kwargs)[source]

Post the JGIF to a given URL.

Return type



Build a BEL graph from CBN JGIF.

Map the JGIF used by the Causal Biological Network Database to standard namespace and annotations, then builds a BEL graph using pybel.from_jgif().


graph_jgif_dict (dict) – The JSON object representing the graph in JGIF format

Return type


Example: >>> import requests >>> from pybel import from_cbn_jgif >>> apoptosis_url = ‘’ >>> graph_jgif_dict = requests.get(apoptosis_url).json() >>> graph = from_cbn_jgif(graph_jgif_dict)


Handling the annotations is not yet supported, since the CBN documents do not refer to the resources used to create them. This may be added in the future, but the annotations must be stripped from the graph before uploading to the network store using pybel.struct.mutation.strip_annotations().


Convert a BEL graph to HiPathia inputs.


SIF File
  • Text file with three columns separated by tabs.

  • Each row represents an interaction in the pathway. First column is the source node, third column the target node, and the second is the type of relation between them.

  • Only activation and inhibition interactions are allowed.

  • The name of the nodes in this file will be stored as the IDs of the nodes.

  • The nodes IDs should have the following structure: N (dash) pathway ID (dash) node ID.

  • HiPathia distinguish between two types of nodes: simple and complex.

Simple nodes:

  • Simple nodes may include many genes, but only one is needed to perform the function of the node. This could correspond to a protein family of enzymes that all have the same function - only one of them needs to be present for the action to take place. Simple nodes are defined within

  • Node IDs from simple nodes do not include any space, i.e. N-hsa04370-11.

Complex nodes:

  • Complex nodes include different simple nodes and represent protein complexes. Each simple node within the complex represents one protein in the complex. This node requires the presence of all their simple nodes to perform its function.

  • Node IDs from complex nodes are the juxtaposition of the included simple node IDs, separated by spaces, i.e. N-hsa04370-10 26.

ATT File

Text file with twelve (12) columns separated by tabulars. Each row represents a node (either simple or complex).

The columns included are:

  1. ID: Node ID as explained above.

  2. label: Name to be shown in the picture of the pathway en HGNC. Generally, the gene name of the first included EntrezID gene is used as label. For complex nodes, we juxtapose the gene names of the first genes of each simple node included (see genesList column below).

  3. X: The X-coordinate of the position of the node in the pathway.

  4. Y: The Y-coordinate of the position of the node in the pathway.

  5. color: The default color of the node.

  6. shape: The shape of the node. “rectangle” should be used for genes and “circle” for metabolites.

  7. type: The type of the node, either “gene” for genes or “compound” for metabolites. For complex nodes, the type of each of their included simple nodes is juxtaposed separated by commas, i.e. gene,gene.

  8. label.cex: Amount by which plotting label should be scaled relative to the default.

  9. label.color: Default color of the node.

  10. width: Default width of the node.

  11. height: Default height of the node.

  12. genesList: List of genes included in each node, with EntrezID:

  • Simple nodes: EntrezIDs of the genes included, separated by commas (“,”) and no spaces, i.e. 56848,8877 for node N-hsa04370-11.

  • Complex nodes: GenesList of the simple nodes included, separated by a slash (“/”) and no spaces, and in the same order as in the node ID. For example, node N-hsa04370-10 26 includes two simple nodes: 10 and 26. Its genesList column is 5335,5336,/,9047, meaning that the genes included in node 10 are 5335 and 5336, and the gene included in node 26 is 9047.

pybel.to_hipathia(graph, directory)[source]

Export HiPathia artifacts for the graph.

Return type



Get the ATT and SIF dataframes.

  1. Identify nodes: 1. Identify all proteins 2. Identify all protein families 3. Identify all complexes with just a protein or a protein family in them

  2. Identify interactions between any of those things that are causal

  3. Profit!

Return type

Tuple[DataFrame, DataFrame]

pybel.from_hipathia_paths(name, att_path, sif_path)[source]

Get a BEL graph from HiPathia files.

Return type


pybel.from_hipathia_dfs(name, att_df, sif_df)[source]

Get a BEL graph from HiPathia dataframes.

Return type




Conversion functions for BEL graphs with GraphDati.

pybel.to_graphdati(graph, use_identifiers=True)[source]

Export a GraphDati list using the nanopub.

  • graph – A BEL graph

  • use_identifiers (bool) – use OBO-style identifiers

Return type

List[Mapping[str, Mapping[str, Any]]]

pybel.to_graphdati_file(graph, path, use_identifiers=True, **kwargs)[source]

Write this graph as GraphDati JSON to a file.

  • graph (BELGraph) – A BEL graph

  • path (Union[str, TextIO]) – A path or file-like

Return type


pybel.to_graphdati_gz(graph, path, **kwargs)[source]

Write a graph as GraphDati JSON to a gzip file.

Return type


pybel.to_graphdati_jsonl(graph, file, use_identifiers=True, use_tqdm=True)[source]

Write this graph as a GraphDati JSON lines file.

pybel.to_graphdati_jsonl_gz(graph, path, **kwargs)[source]

Write a graph as GraphDati JSONL to a gzip file.

Return type


pybel.to_graphdati_jsons(graph, **kwargs)[source]

Dump this graph as a GraphDati JSON object to a string.


graph (BELGraph) – A BEL graph

Return type


pybel.post_graphdati(graph, username='', password='demo', base_url='', chunksize=None, **kwargs)[source]

Post this graph to a BioDati server.

  • graph (BELGraph) – A BEL graph

  • username (str) – The email address to log in to BioDati. Defaults to “” for the demo server

  • password (str) – The password to log in to BioDati. Defaults to “demo” for the demo server

  • base_url (str) – The BioDati server base url. Defaults to “” for the demo server

  • chunksize (Optional[int]) – The number of nanopubs to post at a time. By default, does all.


The default public BioDati server has been put here. You should switch it to yours.

Return type



Conversion functions for BEL graphs with GraphML.

pybel.to_graphml(graph, path, schema=None)[source]

Write a graph to a GraphML XML file using networkx.write_graphml().

  • graph (BELGraph) – BEL Graph

  • path (Union[str, BinaryIO]) – Path to the new exported file

  • schema (Optional[str]) – Type of export. Currently supported: “simple” and “umbrella”.

The .graphml file extension is suggested so Cytoscape can recognize it. By default, this function exports using the PyBEL schema of including modifier information into the edges. As an alternative, this function can also distinguish between

Return type



Exporter for PyNPA.

pybel.to_npa_directory(graph, directory, **kwargs)[source]

Write the BEL file to two files in the directory for pynpa.

Return type


pybel.to_npa_dfs(graph, cartesian_expansion=False, nomenclature_method_first_layer=None, nomenclature_method_second_layer=None, direct_tf_only=False)[source]

Export the BEL graph as two lists of triples for the pynpa.

  • graph (BELGraph) – A BEL graph

  • cartesian_expansion (bool) – If true, applies cartesian expansion on both reactions (reactants x products) as well as list abundances using list_abundance_cartesian_expansion() and reaction_cartesian_expansion()

  • nomenclature_method_first_layer (Optional[str]) – Either “curie”, “name” or “inodes. Defaults to “curie”.

  • nomenclature_method_second_layer (Optional[str]) – Either “curie”, “name” or “inodes. Defaults to “curie”.

  1. Pick out all transcription factor relationships. Protein X is a transcription factor for gene Y IFF complex(p(X), g(Y)) -> r(Y)

  2. Get all other interactions between any gene/rna/protein that are directed causal for the PPI layer

Return type

Tuple[DataFrame, DataFrame]


This module contains IO functions for outputting BEL graphs to lossy formats, such as GraphML and CSV.

pybel.to_csv(graph, path, sep=None)[source]

Write the graph as a tab-separated edge list.

The resulting file will contain the following columns:

  1. Source BEL term

  2. Relation

  3. Target BEL term

  4. Edge data dictionary

See the Data Models section of the documentation for which data are stored in the edge data dictionary, such as queryable information about transforms on the subject and object and their associated metadata.

Return type


pybel.to_sif(graph, path, sep=None)[source]

Write the graph as a tab-separated SIF file.

The resulting file will contain the following columns:

  1. Source BEL term

  2. Relation

  3. Target BEL term

This format is simple and can be used readily with many applications, but is lossy in that it does not include relation metadata.

Return type


pybel.to_gsea(graph, path)[source]

Write the genes/gene products to a GRP file for use with GSEA gene set enrichment analysis.

See also

Return type


pybel.to_tsv(graph, path, *, use_tqdm=False, sep='\t', raise_on_none=False)[source]

Write the graph as a TSV.

  • graph (BELGraph) – A BEL graph

  • path (Union[str, TextIO]) – A path or file-like

  • use_tqdm (bool) – Should a progress bar be shown?

  • sep – The separator to use

  • raise_on_none (bool) – Should an exception be raised if no triples are returned?



Return type



SQL Databases

Conversion functions for BEL graphs with a SQL database.

pybel.from_database(name, version=None, manager=None)[source]

Load a BEL graph from a database.

If name and version are given, finds it exactly with pybel.manager.Manager.get_network_by_name_version(). If just the name is given, finds most recent with pybel.manager.Manager.get_network_by_name_version()

  • name (str) – The name of the graph

  • version (Optional[str]) – The version string of the graph. If not specified, loads most recent graph added with this name


A BEL graph loaded from the database

Return type


pybel.to_database(graph, manager=None, use_tqdm=False)[source]

Store a graph in a database.


graph (BELGraph) – A BEL graph


If successful, returns the network object from the database.

Return type



Output functions for BEL graphs to Neo4j.

pybel.to_neo4j(graph, neo_connection, use_tqdm=False)[source]

Upload a BEL graph to a Neo4j graph database using py2neo.


Example Usage:

>>> import py2neo
>>> import pybel
>>> from pybel.examples import sialic_acid_graph
>>> neo_graph = py2neo.Graph("http://localhost:7474/db/data/")  # use your own connection settings
>>> pybel.to_neo4j(sialic_acid_graph, neo_graph)

BEL Commons

This module facilitates rudimentary data exchange with BEL Commons.

pybel.from_web(network_id, host=None)[source]

Retrieve a public network from BEL Commons.

In the future, this function may be extended to support authentication.

  • network_id (int) – The BEL Commons network identifier

  • host (Optional[str]) – The location of the BEL Commons server. Alternatively, looks up in PyBEL config with PYBEL_REMOTE_HOST or the environment as PYBEL_REMOTE_HOST Defaults to pybel.constants.DEFAULT_SERVICE_URL

Return type


pybel.to_web(graph, host=None, user=None, password=None, public=False)[source]

Send a graph to the receiver service and returns the requests response object.

  • graph (BELGraph) – A BEL graph

  • host (Optional[str]) – The location of the BEL Commons server. Alternatively, looks up in PyBEL config with PYBEL_REMOTE_HOST or the environment as PYBEL_REMOTE_HOST Defaults to pybel.constants.DEFAULT_SERVICE_URL

  • user (Optional[str]) – Username for BEL Commons. Alternatively, looks up in PyBEL config with PYBEL_REMOTE_USER or the environment as PYBEL_REMOTE_USER

  • password (Optional[str]) – Password for BEL Commons. Alternatively, looks up in PyBEL config with PYBEL_REMOTE_PASSWORD or the environment as PYBEL_REMOTE_PASSWORD

Return type



The response object from requests


Conversion functions for BEL graphs with INDRA.

After assembling a model with INDRA, a list of indra.statements.Statement can be converted to a pybel.BELGraph with indra.assemblers.pybel.PybelAssembler.

from indra.assemblers.pybel import PybelAssembler
import pybel

stmts = [
    # A list of INDRA statements

pba = PybelAssembler(
    name='Graph Name',
    description='Graph Description'
graph = pba.make_model()

# Write to BEL file
pybel.to_bel_path(belgraph, 'simple_pybel.bel')


These functions are hard to unit test because they rely on a whole set of java dependencies and will likely not be for a while.

pybel.from_indra_statements(stmts, name=None, version=None, description=None, authors=None, contact=None, license=None, copyright=None, disclaimer=None)[source]

Import a model from indra.

  • stmts (List[indra.statements.Statement]) – A list of statements

  • name (Optional[str]) – The graph’s name

  • version (Optional[str]) – The graph’s version. Recommended to use semantic versioning or YYYYMMDD format.

  • description (Optional[str]) – The description of the graph

  • authors (Optional[str]) – The authors of this graph

  • contact (Optional[str]) – The contact email for this graph

  • license (Optional[str]) – The license for this graph

  • copyright (Optional[str]) – The copyright for this graph

  • disclaimer (Optional[str]) – The disclaimer for this graph

Return type


pybel.from_indra_statements_json(stmts_json, **kwargs)[source]

Get a BEL graph from INDRA statements JSON.

Return type


Other kwargs are passed to from_indra_statements().

pybel.from_indra_statements_json_file(file, **kwargs)[source]

Get a BEL graph from INDRA statements JSON file.

Return type


Other kwargs are passed to from_indra_statements().


Export this graph as a list of INDRA statements using the indra.sources.pybel.PybelProcessor.


graph (pybel.BELGraph) – A BEL graph

Return type



Export this graph as INDRA JSON list.


graph (pybel.BELGraph) – A BEL graph

Return type

List[Mapping[str, Any]]

pybel.to_indra_statements_json_file(graph, path, indent=2, **kwargs)[source]

Export this graph as INDRA statement JSON.


Other kwargs are passed to json.dump().

pybel.from_biopax(path, **kwargs)[source]

Import a model encoded in Pathway Commons BioPAX via indra.


path (str) – Path to a BioPAX OWL file

Return type


Other kwargs are passed to from_indra_statements().


Not compatible with all BioPAX! See INDRA documentation.