Source code for pybel_tools.analysis.stability

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import itertools as itt
import logging

from networkx import DiGraph, Graph

from pybel.constants import (
from pybel.struct.utils import update_node_helper
from ..selection import get_causal_subgraph
from ..summary import relation_set_has_contradictions

__all__ = [

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def get_contradiction_summary(graph): """Yield triplets of (source node, target node, set of relations) for (source node, target node) pairs that have multiple, contradictory relations. :param pybel.BELGraph graph: A BEL graph :rtype: iter[tuple] """ for u, v in set(graph.edges()): relations = {data[RELATION] for data in graph[u][v].values()} if relation_set_has_contradictions(relations): yield u, v, relations
[docs]def get_regulatory_pairs(graph): """Finds pairs of nodes that have mutual causal edges that are regulating each other such that ``A -> B`` and ``B -| A``. :param pybel.BELGraph graph: A BEL graph :return: A set of pairs of nodes with mutual causal edges :rtype: set """ cg = get_causal_subgraph(graph) results = set() for u, v, d in cg.edges(data=True): if d[RELATION] not in CAUSAL_INCREASE_RELATIONS: continue if cg.has_edge(v, u) and any(dd[RELATION] in CAUSAL_DECREASE_RELATIONS for dd in cg[v][u].values()): results.add((u, v)) return results
[docs]def get_chaotic_pairs(graph): """Finds pairs of nodes that have mutual causal edges that are increasing each other such that ``A -> B`` and ``B -> A``. :param pybel.BELGraph graph: A BEL graph :return: A set of pairs of nodes with mutual causal edges :rtype: set """ cg = get_causal_subgraph(graph) results = set() for u, v, d in cg.edges(data=True): if d[RELATION] not in CAUSAL_INCREASE_RELATIONS: continue if cg.has_edge(v, u) and any(dd[RELATION] in CAUSAL_INCREASE_RELATIONS for dd in cg[v][u].values()): results.add(tuple(sorted([u, v], key=str))) return results
[docs]def get_dampened_pairs(graph): """Finds pairs of nodes that have mutual causal edges that are decreasing each other such that ``A -| B`` and ``B -| A``. :param pybel.BELGraph graph: A BEL graph :return: A set of pairs of nodes with mutual causal edges :rtype: set """ cg = get_causal_subgraph(graph) results = set() for u, v, d in cg.edges(data=True): if d[RELATION] not in CAUSAL_DECREASE_RELATIONS: continue if cg.has_edge(v, u) and any(dd[RELATION] in CAUSAL_DECREASE_RELATIONS for dd in cg[v][u].values()): results.add(tuple(sorted([u, v], key=str))) return results
[docs]def get_correlation_graph(graph): """Extracts a graph of only correlative relationships :param pybel.BELGraph graph: A BEL Graph :rtype: networkx.Graph """ result = Graph() for u, v, d in graph.edges(data=True): if d[RELATION] not in CORRELATIVE_RELATIONS: continue if not result.has_edge(u, v): result.add_edge(u, v, **{d[RELATION]: True}) elif d[RELATION] not in result[u][v]: log.log(5, 'broken correlation relation for %s, %s', u, v) result[u][v][d[RELATION]] = True result[v][u][d[RELATION]] = True return result
[docs]def get_correlation_triangles(graph): """Returns a set of all triangles pointed by the given node :param networkx.Graph graph: A non-directional graph :rtype: set[tuple] """ return { tuple(sorted([n, u, v], key=str)) for n in graph for u, v in itt.combinations(graph[n], 2) if graph.has_edge(u, v) }
[docs]def get_triangles(graph): """Gets a set of triples representing the 3-cycles from a directional graph. Each 3-cycle is returned once, with nodes in sorted order. :param networkx.DiGraph graph: A directional graph :rtype: set[tuple] """ results = set() for a, b in graph.edges(): for c in graph.successors(b): if graph.has_edge(c, a): canonical_ordering = tuple(sorted([a, b, c], key=str)) results.add(canonical_ordering) return results
[docs]def get_separate_unstable_correlation_triples(graph): """Yields all triples of nodes A, B, C such that ``A positiveCorrelation B``, ``A positiveCorrelation C``, and ``B negativeCorrelation C`` :param pybel.BELGraph graph: A BEL graph :return: An iterator over triples of unstable graphs, where the second two are negative :rtype: iter[tuple] """ cg = get_correlation_graph(graph) for a, b, c in get_correlation_triangles(cg): if POSITIVE_CORRELATION in cg[a][b] and POSITIVE_CORRELATION in cg[b][c] and NEGATIVE_CORRELATION in \ cg[a][c]: yield b, a, c if POSITIVE_CORRELATION in cg[a][b] and NEGATIVE_CORRELATION in cg[b][c] and POSITIVE_CORRELATION in \ cg[a][c]: yield a, b, c if NEGATIVE_CORRELATION in cg[a][b] and POSITIVE_CORRELATION in cg[b][c] and POSITIVE_CORRELATION in \ cg[a][c]: yield c, a, b
[docs]def get_mutually_unstable_correlation_triples(graph): """Yields all triples of nodes A, B, C such that ``A negativeCorrelation B``, ``B negativeCorrelation C``, and ``C negativeCorrelation A``. :param pybel.BELGraph graph: A BEL graph :rtype: iter[tuple] """ cg = get_correlation_graph(graph) for a, b, c in get_correlation_triangles(cg): if all(NEGATIVE_CORRELATION in x for x in (cg[a][b], cg[b][c], cg[a][c])): yield a, b, c
[docs]def jens_transformation_alpha(graph): """Applies Jens' transformation (Type 1) to the graph 1. Induce a subgraph over causal + correlative edges 2. Transform edges by the following rules: - increases => increases - decreases => backwards increases - positive correlation => two way increases - negative correlation => delete The resulting graph can be used to search for 3-cycles, which now symbolize unstable triplets where ``A -> B``, ``A -| C`` and ``B positiveCorrelation C``. :param pybel.BELGraph graph: A BEL graph :rtype: networkx.DiGraph """ result = DiGraph() for u, v, k, d in graph.edges(keys=True, data=True): relation = d[RELATION] if relation == POSITIVE_CORRELATION: result.add_edge(u, v) result.add_edge(v, u) elif relation in CAUSAL_INCREASE_RELATIONS: result.add_edge(u, v) elif relation in CAUSAL_DECREASE_RELATIONS: result.add_edge(v, u) for node in result: result.node[node].update(graph.node[node]) return result
[docs]def jens_transformation_beta(graph): """Applies Jens' Transformation (Type 2) to the graph 1. Induce a subgraph over causal and correlative relations 2. Transform edges with the following rules: - increases => backwards decreases - decreases => decreases - positive correlation => delete - negative correlation => two way decreases The resulting graph can be used to search for 3-cycles, which now symbolize stable triples where ``A -> B``, ``A -| C`` and ``B negativeCorrelation C``. :param pybel.BELGraph graph: A BEL graph :rtype: networkx.DiGraph """ result = DiGraph() for u, v, k, d in graph.edges(keys=True, data=True): relation = d[RELATION] if relation == NEGATIVE_CORRELATION: result.add_edge(u, v) result.add_edge(v, u) elif relation in CAUSAL_INCREASE_RELATIONS: result.add_edge(v, u) elif relation in CAUSAL_DECREASE_RELATIONS: result.add_edge(u, v) for node in result: result.node[node].update(graph.node[node]) return result
[docs]def get_jens_unstable(graph): """Yields triples of nodes where ``A -> B``, ``A -| C``, and ``C positiveCorrelation A``. Calculated efficiently using the Jens Transformation. :param pybel.BELGraph graph: A BEL graph :return: An iterable of triplets of nodes :rtype: iter[tuple] """ r = jens_transformation_alpha(graph) return get_triangles(r)
def _get_mismatch_triplets_helper(graph, relation_set): """ :param pybel.BELGraph graph: A BEL graph :return: An iterable of mismatch triples :rtype iter[tuple] """ for node in graph: children = { target for _, target, data in graph.out_edges(node, data=True) if data[RELATION] in relation_set } for a, b in itt.combinations(children, 2): if b not in graph[a]: continue if any(d[RELATION] == NEGATIVE_CORRELATION for d in graph[a][b].values()): yield node, a, b
[docs]def get_increase_mismatch_triplets(graph): """Iterates over triples of nodes where ``A -> B``, ``A -> C``, and ``C negativeCorrelation A``. :param pybel.BELGraph graph: A BEL graph :return: An iterable of triplets of nodes :rtype: iter[tuple] """ return _get_mismatch_triplets_helper(graph, CAUSAL_INCREASE_RELATIONS)
[docs]def get_decrease_mismatch_triplets(graph): """Iterates over triplets of nodes where ``A -| B``, ``A -| C``, and ``C negativeCorrelation A``. :param pybel.BELGraph graph: A BEL graph :return: An iterable of triplets of nodes :rtype: iter[tuple] """ return _get_mismatch_triplets_helper(graph, CAUSAL_DECREASE_RELATIONS)
def _get_disregulated_triplets_helper(graph, relation_set): """ :param pybel.BELGraph graph: A BEL graph :param set[str] relation_set: A set of relations to keep :rtype: iter[tuple] """ result = DiGraph() for u, v, d in graph.edges(data=True): if d[RELATION] in relation_set: result.add_edge(u, v) update_node_helper(graph, result) for a, b, c in get_triangles(result): if a == b == c: continue yield a, b, c
[docs]def get_chaotic_triplets(graph): """Iterates over triples of nodes that mutually increase each other, such as when ``A -> B``, ``B -> C``, and ``C -> A``. :param pybel.BELGraph graph: A BEL graph :return: An iterable of triplets of nodes :rtype: iter[tuple] """ return _get_disregulated_triplets_helper(graph, CAUSAL_INCREASE_RELATIONS)
[docs]def get_dampened_triplets(graph): """Iterates over triples of nodes that mutually decreases each other, such as when ``A -| B``, ``B -| C``, and ``C -| A``. :param pybel.BELGraph graph: A BEL graph :return: An iterable of triplets of nodes :rtype: iter[tuple] """ return _get_disregulated_triplets_helper(graph, CAUSAL_DECREASE_RELATIONS)
[docs]def summarize_stability(graph): """Summarize the stability of the graph :param pybel.BELGraph graph: A BEL graph :rtype: dict """ regulatory_pairs = get_regulatory_pairs(graph) chaotic_pairs = get_chaotic_pairs(graph) dampened_pairs = get_dampened_pairs(graph) contraditory_pairs = get_contradiction_summary(graph) separately_unstable_triples = get_separate_unstable_correlation_triples(graph) mutually_unstable_triples = get_mutually_unstable_correlation_triples(graph) jens_unstable_triples = get_jens_unstable(graph) increase_mismatch_triples = get_increase_mismatch_triplets(graph) decrease_mismatch_triples = get_decrease_mismatch_triplets(graph) chaotic_triples = get_chaotic_triplets(graph) dampened_triples = get_dampened_triplets(graph) def count_or_len(it): return sum(1 for _ in it) return { 'Regulatory Pairs': count_or_len(regulatory_pairs), 'Chaotic Pairs': count_or_len(chaotic_pairs), 'Dampened Pairs': count_or_len(dampened_pairs), 'Contradictory Pairs': count_or_len(contraditory_pairs), 'Separately Unstable Triples': count_or_len(separately_unstable_triples), 'Mutually Unstable Triples': count_or_len(mutually_unstable_triples), 'Jens Unstable Triples': count_or_len(jens_unstable_triples), 'Increase Mismatch Triples': count_or_len(increase_mismatch_triples), 'Decrease Mismatch Triples': count_or_len(decrease_mismatch_triples), 'Chaotic Triples': count_or_len(chaotic_triples), 'Dampened Triples': count_or_len(dampened_triples) }