Source code for pybel.struct.mutation.collapse.collapse

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Utilities for functions for collapsing nodes."""

from typing import Mapping, Set

from ...filters import filter_edges
from ...filters.edge_predicate_builders import build_relation_predicate
from ...pipeline import in_place_transformation
from ....constants import HAS_VARIANT
from ....dsl import BaseEntity

__all__ = [

def _remove_self_edges(graph):
    self_edges = [
        (u, u, k)
        for u in graph
        if u in graph[u]
        for k in graph[u][u]

def collapse_pair(graph, survivor: BaseEntity, victim: BaseEntity) -> None:
    """Rewire all edges from the synonymous node to the survivor node, then deletes the synonymous node.

    Does not keep edges between the two nodes.

    :param pybel.BELGraph graph: A BEL graph
    :param survivor: The BEL node to collapse all edges on the synonym to
    :param victim: The BEL node to collapse into the surviving node
        (survivor, successor, key, data)
        for _, successor, key, data in graph.out_edges(victim, keys=True, data=True)
        if successor != survivor

        (predecessor, survivor, key, data)
        for predecessor, _, key, data in graph.in_edges(victim, keys=True, data=True)
        if predecessor != survivor


# TODO what happens when collapsing is not consistent? Need to build intermediate mappings and test their consistency.

[docs]@in_place_transformation def collapse_nodes(graph, survivor_mapping: Mapping[BaseEntity, Set[BaseEntity]]) -> None: """Collapse all nodes in values to the key nodes, in place. :param pybel.BELGraph graph: A BEL graph :param survivor_mapping: A dictionary with survivors as their keys, and iterables of the corresponding victims as values. """ for survivor, victims in survivor_mapping.items(): for victim in victims: collapse_pair(graph, survivor=survivor, victim=victim) _remove_self_edges(graph)
@in_place_transformation def collapse_all_variants(graph) -> None: """Collapse all genes', RNAs', miRNAs', and proteins' variants to their parents. :param pybel.BELGraph graph: A BEL Graph """ has_variant_predicate = build_relation_predicate(HAS_VARIANT) edges = list(filter_edges(graph, has_variant_predicate)) for u, v, _ in edges: collapse_pair(graph, survivor=u, victim=v) _remove_self_edges(graph)