Source code for pybel.struct.operations

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Operations for BEL graphs."""

from typing import Iterable

import networkx as nx
from tqdm.autonotebook import tqdm

from .utils import update_metadata
from ..dsl import BaseEntity

__all__ = [

def subgraph(graph, nodes: Iterable[BaseEntity]):
    """Induce a sub-graph over the given nodes.

    :rtype: BELGraph
    sg = graph.subgraph(nodes)

    # see implementation for .copy()
    rv = graph.child()

    for node, data in sg.nodes(data=True):
        rv.add_node(node, **data)

        (u, v, key, datadict.copy())
        for u, v, key, datadict in sg.edges(keys=True, data=True)

    return rv

[docs]def left_full_join(g, h) -> None: """Add all nodes and edges from ``h`` to ``g``, in-place for ``g``. :param pybel.BELGraph g: A BEL graph :param pybel.BELGraph h: A BEL graph Example usage: >>> import pybel >>> g = pybel.from_bel_script('...') >>> h = pybel.from_bel_script('...') >>> left_full_join(g, h) """ g.add_nodes_from( (node, data) for node, data in h.nodes(data=True) if node not in g ) g.add_edges_from( (u, v, key, data) for u, v, key, data in h.edges(keys=True, data=True) if u not in g or v not in g[u] or key not in g[u][v] ) update_metadata(h, g) g.warnings.extend(h.warnings)
[docs]def left_outer_join(g, h) -> None: """Only add components from the ``h`` that are touching ``g``. Algorithm: 1. Identify all weakly connected components in ``h`` 2. Add those that have an intersection with the ``g`` :param BELGraph g: A BEL graph :param BELGraph h: A BEL graph Example usage: >>> import pybel >>> g = pybel.from_bel_script('...') >>> h = pybel.from_bel_script('...') >>> left_outer_join(g, h) """ g_nodes = set(g) for comp in nx.weakly_connected_components(h): if g_nodes.intersection(comp): h_subgraph = subgraph(h, comp) left_full_join(g, h_subgraph)
def _left_outer_join_graphs(target, graphs): """Outer join a list of graphs to a target graph. Note: the order of graphs will have significant results! :param BELGraph target: A BEL graph :param iter[BELGraph] graphs: An iterator of BEL graphs :rtype: BELGraph """ for graph in graphs: left_outer_join(target, graph) return target
[docs]def union(graphs, use_tqdm: bool = False): """Take the union over a collection of graphs into a new graph. Assumes iterator is longer than 2, but not infinite. :param iter[BELGraph] graphs: An iterator over BEL graphs. Can't be infinite. :param use_tqdm: Should a progress bar be displayed? :return: A merged graph :rtype: BELGraph Example usage: >>> import pybel >>> g = pybel.from_bel_script('...') >>> h = pybel.from_bel_script('...') >>> k = pybel.from_bel_script('...') >>> merged = union([g, h, k]) """ it = iter(graphs) if use_tqdm: it = tqdm(it, desc='taking union') try: target = next(it) except StopIteration as e: raise ValueError('no graphs given') from e try: graph = next(it) except StopIteration: return target else: target = target.copy() left_full_join(target, graph) for graph in it: left_full_join(target, graph) return target
def left_node_intersection_join(g, h): """Take the intersection over two graphs. This intersection of two graphs is defined by the union of the sub-graphs induced over the intersection of their nodes :param BELGraph g: A BEL graph :param BELGraph h: A BEL graph :rtype: BELGraph Example usage: >>> import pybel >>> g = pybel.from_bel_script('...') >>> h = pybel.from_bel_script('...') >>> merged = left_node_intersection_join(g, h) """ intersecting = set(g).intersection(set(h)) g_inter = subgraph(g, intersecting) h_inter = subgraph(h, intersecting) left_full_join(g_inter, h_inter) return g_inter def node_intersection(graphs): """Take the node intersection over a collection of graphs into a new graph. This intersection is defined the same way as by :func:`left_node_intersection_join` :param iter[BELGraph] graphs: An iterable of graphs. Since it's iterated over twice, it gets converted to a tuple first, so this isn't a safe operation for infinite lists. :rtype: BELGraph Example usage: >>> import pybel >>> g = pybel.from_bel_script('...') >>> h = pybel.from_bel_script('...') >>> k = pybel.from_bel_script('...') >>> merged = node_intersection([g, h, k]) """ graphs = tuple(graphs) n_graphs = len(graphs) if n_graphs == 0: raise ValueError('no graphs given') if n_graphs == 1: return graphs[0] nodes = set(graphs[0].nodes()) for graph in graphs[1:]: nodes.intersection_update(graph) return union( subgraph(graph, nodes) for graph in graphs )