Source code for pybel.parser.parse_metadata

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""This module supports the relation parser by handling statements."""

import logging
import re
from typing import Mapping, Optional, Pattern, Set

from pyparsing import And, MatchFirst, ParseResults, Suppress, Word

from .baseparser import BaseParser
from .constants import NamespaceTermEncodingMapping
from .utils import delimited_quoted_list, ns, qid, quote, word
from ..constants import (
from ..exceptions import (
    InvalidMetadataException, RedefinedAnnotationError, RedefinedNamespaceError,
from ..resources.resources import keyword_to_url
from ..utils import valid_date_version

__all__ = [

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

as_tag = Suppress(BEL_KEYWORD_AS)
url_tag = Suppress(BEL_KEYWORD_URL)
list_tag = Suppress(BEL_KEYWORD_LIST)
set_tag = Suppress(BEL_KEYWORD_SET)
define_tag = Suppress(BEL_KEYWORD_DEFINE)

function_tags = Word(''.join(belns_encodings))


MALFORMED_VERSION_STRING_RE = re.compile(r'(?P<major>\d+)(\.(?P<minor>\d+)(\.(?P<patch>\d+))?)?')


[docs]class MetadataParser(BaseParser): """A parser for the document and definitions section of a BEL document. .. seealso:: BEL 1.0 Specification for the `DEFINE <>`_ keyword """ def __init__( self, manager, namespace_to_term_to_encoding: Optional[NamespaceTermEncodingMapping] = None, namespace_to_pattern: Optional[Mapping[str, Pattern]] = None, annotation_to_term: Optional[Mapping[str, Set[str]]] = None, annotation_to_pattern: Optional[Mapping[str, Pattern]] = None, annotation_to_local: Optional[Mapping[str, Set[str]]] = None, default_namespace: Optional[Set[str]] = None, allow_redefinition: bool = False, skip_validation: bool = False, upgrade_urls: bool = False, ) -> None: """Build a metadata parser. :param manager: A cache manager :param namespace_to_term_to_encoding: An enumerated namespace mapping from {namespace keyword: {(identifier, name): encoding}} :param namespace_to_pattern: A regular expression namespace mapping from {namespace keyword: regex string} :param annotation_to_term: Enumerated annotation mapping from {annotation keyword: set of valid values} :param annotation_to_pattern: Regular expression annotation mapping from {annotation keyword: regex string} :param default_namespace: A set of strings that can be used without a namespace :param skip_validation: If true, don't download and cache namespaces/annotations """ #: This metadata parser's internal definition cache manager self.manager = manager self.disallow_redefinition = not allow_redefinition self.skip_validation = skip_validation self.upgrade_urls = upgrade_urls #: A dictionary of cached {namespace keyword: {(identifier, name): encoding}} self.namespace_to_term_to_encoding = namespace_to_term_to_encoding or {} #: A set of namespaces's URLs that can't be cached self.uncachable_namespaces = set() #: A dictionary of {namespace keyword: regular expression string} self.namespace_to_pattern = namespace_to_pattern or {} #: A set of names that can be used without a namespace self.default_namespace = set(default_namespace) if default_namespace is not None else None #: A dictionary of cached {annotation keyword: set of values} self.annotation_to_term = annotation_to_term or {} #: A dictionary of {annotation keyword: regular expression string} self.annotation_to_pattern = annotation_to_pattern or {} #: A dictionary of cached {annotation keyword: set of values} self.annotation_to_local = annotation_to_local or {} #: A dictionary containing the document metadata self.document_metadata = {} #: A dictionary from {namespace keyword: BEL namespace URL} self.namespace_url_dict = {} #: A dictionary from {annotation keyword: BEL annotation URL} self.annotation_url_dict = {} self.document = And([ set_tag, Suppress(BEL_KEYWORD_DOCUMENT), word('key'), Suppress('='), qid('value'), ]) namespace_tag = And([define_tag, Suppress(BEL_KEYWORD_NAMESPACE), ns('name'), as_tag]) self.namespace_url = And([namespace_tag, url_tag, quote('url')]) self.namespace_pattern = And([namespace_tag, Suppress(BEL_KEYWORD_PATTERN), quote('value')]) annotation_tag = And([define_tag, Suppress(BEL_KEYWORD_ANNOTATION), ns('name'), as_tag]) self.annotation_url = And([annotation_tag, url_tag, quote('url')]) self.annotation_list = And([annotation_tag, list_tag, delimited_quoted_list('values')]) self.annotation_pattern = And([annotation_tag, Suppress(BEL_KEYWORD_PATTERN), quote('value')]) self.document.setParseAction(self.handle_document) self.namespace_url.setParseAction(self.handle_namespace_url) self.namespace_pattern.setParseAction(self.handle_namespace_pattern) self.annotation_url.setParseAction(self.handle_annotations_url) self.annotation_list.setParseAction(self.handle_annotation_list) self.annotation_pattern.setParseAction(self.handle_annotation_pattern) self.language = MatchFirst([ self.document, self.namespace_url, self.annotation_url, self.annotation_list, self.annotation_pattern, self.namespace_pattern, ]).setName('BEL Metadata') super().__init__(self.language)
[docs] def handle_document(self, line: str, position: int, tokens: ParseResults) -> ParseResults: """Handle statements like ``SET DOCUMENT X = "Y"``. :raises: InvalidMetadataException :raises: VersionFormatWarning """ key = tokens['key'] value = tokens['value'] if key not in DOCUMENT_KEYS: raise InvalidMetadataException(self.get_line_number(), line, position, key, value) norm_key = DOCUMENT_KEYS[key] if norm_key in self.document_metadata: logger.warning('Tried to overwrite metadata: %s', key) return tokens self.document_metadata[norm_key] = value if norm_key == METADATA_VERSION: self.raise_for_version(line, position, value) return tokens
[docs] def raise_for_redefined_namespace(self, line: str, position: int, namespace: str) -> None: """Raise an exception if a namespace is already defined. :raises: RedefinedNamespaceError """ if self.disallow_redefinition and self.has_namespace(namespace): raise RedefinedNamespaceError(self.get_line_number(), line, position, namespace)
[docs] def handle_namespace_url(self, line: str, position: int, tokens: ParseResults) -> ParseResults: """Handle statements like ``DEFINE NAMESPACE X AS URL "Y"``. :raises: RedefinedNamespaceError :raises: pybel.resources.exc.ResourceError """ namespace_keyword = tokens['name'] if namespace_keyword in NAMESPACE_BLACKLIST: raise ValueError('Upgrade usage to FamPlex') self.raise_for_redefined_namespace(line, position, namespace_keyword) url = tokens['url'] if self.upgrade_urls and namespace_keyword.lower() in keyword_to_url: url = keyword_to_url[namespace_keyword.lower()] self.namespace_url_dict[namespace_keyword] = url return tokens
[docs] def ensure_resources(self): """Load all namespaces/annotations that have been encountered so far during parsing.""" if self.skip_validation: return if self.namespace_url_dict: keywords, urls = zip(*self.namespace_url_dict.items()) namespaces = self.manager._ensure_namespace_urls(urls) for keyword, namespace in zip(keywords, namespaces): self.namespace_to_term_to_encoding[keyword] = namespace.get_term_to_encodings() if self.annotation_url_dict: keywords, urls = zip(*self.annotation_url_dict.items()) namespaces = self.manager._ensure_namespace_urls(urls, is_annotation=True) for keyword, namespace in zip(keywords, namespaces): self.annotation_to_term[keyword] = { for entry in namespace.entries}
[docs] def handle_namespace_pattern(self, line: str, position: int, tokens: ParseResults) -> ParseResults: """Handle statements like ``DEFINE NAMESPACE X AS PATTERN "Y"``. :raises: RedefinedNamespaceError """ namespace = tokens['name'] self.raise_for_redefined_namespace(line, position, namespace) self.namespace_to_pattern[namespace] = re.compile(tokens['value']) return tokens
[docs] def raise_for_redefined_annotation(self, line: str, position: int, annotation: str) -> None: """Raise an exception if the given annotation is already defined. :raises: RedefinedAnnotationError """ if self.disallow_redefinition and self.has_annotation(annotation): raise RedefinedAnnotationError(self.get_line_number(), line, position, annotation)
[docs] def handle_annotations_url(self, line: str, position: int, tokens: ParseResults) -> ParseResults: """Handle statements like ``DEFINE ANNOTATION X AS URL "Y"``. :raises: RedefinedAnnotationError """ keyword = tokens['name'] self.raise_for_redefined_annotation(line, position, keyword) self.annotation_url_dict[keyword] = tokens['url'] return tokens
[docs] def handle_annotation_list(self, line: str, position: int, tokens: ParseResults) -> ParseResults: """Handle statements like ``DEFINE ANNOTATION X AS LIST {"Y","Z", ...}``. :raises: RedefinedAnnotationError """ annotation = tokens['name'] self.raise_for_redefined_annotation(line, position, annotation) self.annotation_to_local[annotation] = set(tokens['values']) return tokens
[docs] def handle_annotation_pattern(self, line: str, position: int, tokens: ParseResults) -> ParseResults: """Handle statements like ``DEFINE ANNOTATION X AS PATTERN "Y"``. :raises: RedefinedAnnotationError """ annotation = tokens['name'] self.raise_for_redefined_annotation(line, position, annotation) self.annotation_to_pattern[annotation] = re.compile(tokens['value']) return tokens
[docs] def has_enumerated_annotation(self, annotation: str) -> bool: """Check if this annotation is defined by an enumeration.""" return annotation in self.annotation_to_term
[docs] def has_regex_annotation(self, annotation: str) -> bool: """Check if this annotation is defined by a regular expression.""" return annotation in self.annotation_to_pattern
[docs] def has_local_annotation(self, annotation: str) -> bool: """Check if this annotation is defined by an locally.""" return annotation in self.annotation_to_local
[docs] def has_annotation(self, annotation: str) -> bool: """Check if this annotation is defined.""" return ( self.has_enumerated_annotation(annotation) or self.has_regex_annotation(annotation) or self.has_local_annotation(annotation) )
[docs] def has_enumerated_namespace(self, namespace: str) -> bool: """Check if this namespace is defined by an enumeration.""" return namespace in self.namespace_to_term_to_encoding
[docs] def has_regex_namespace(self, namespace: str) -> bool: """Check if this namespace is defined by a regular expression.""" return namespace in self.namespace_to_pattern
[docs] def has_namespace(self, namespace: str) -> bool: """Check if this namespace is defined.""" return self.has_enumerated_namespace(namespace) or self.has_regex_namespace(namespace)
[docs] def raise_for_version(self, line: str, position: int, version: str) -> None: """Check that a version string is valid for BEL documents. This means it's either in the YYYYMMDD or semantic version format. :param line: The line being parsed :param position: The position in the line being parsed :param str version: A version string :raises: VersionFormatWarning """ if valid_date_version(version): return if not SEMANTIC_VERSION_STRING_RE.match(version): raise VersionFormatWarning(self.get_line_number(), line, position, version)