Source code for pybel.parser.parse_concept

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""A module holding the :class:`IdentifierParser`."""

import logging
import re
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Mapping, Optional, Pattern, Set

from pyparsing import ParseResults, Suppress

from .baseparser import BaseParser
from .constants import NamespaceTermEncodingMapping
from .utils import ns, quote
from ..constants import DIRTY, IDENTIFIER, NAME, NAMESPACE
from ..exceptions import (
    MissingDefaultNameWarning, MissingNamespaceNameWarning, MissingNamespaceRegexWarning, NakedNameWarning,

__all__ = [

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class ConceptParser(BaseParser): """A parser for concepts in the form of ``namespace:name`` or ``namespace:identifier!name``. Can be made more lenient when given a default namespace or enabling the use of naked names. """ def __init__( self, namespace_to_term_to_encoding: Optional[NamespaceTermEncodingMapping] = None, namespace_to_pattern: Optional[Mapping[str, Pattern]] = None, default_namespace: Optional[Set[str]] = None, allow_naked_names: bool = False, skip_validation: bool = False, ensure_go: bool = True, ) -> None: """Initialize the concept parser. :param namespace_to_term_to_encoding: A dictionary of {namespace: {(identifier, name): encoding}} :param namespace_to_pattern: A dictionary of {namespace: regular expression string} to compile :param default_namespace: A set of strings that can be used without a namespace :param allow_naked_names: If true, turn off naked namespace failures """ self.identifier_fqualified = ( ns(NAMESPACE) + Suppress(':') + (ns | quote)(IDENTIFIER) + Suppress('!') + (ns | quote)(NAME) ) self.identifier_qualified = ns(NAMESPACE) + Suppress(':') + (ns | quote)(NAME) if namespace_to_term_to_encoding is not None: self.namespace_to_name_to_encoding = defaultdict(dict) self.namespace_to_identifier_to_encoding = defaultdict(dict) for namespace, term_mapping in namespace_to_term_to_encoding.items(): for (identifier, name), encoding in term_mapping.items(): self.namespace_to_name_to_encoding[namespace][name] = encoding self.namespace_to_identifier_to_encoding[namespace][identifier] = encoding self.namespace_to_name_to_encoding = dict(self.namespace_to_name_to_encoding) self.namespace_to_identifier_to_encoding = dict(self.namespace_to_identifier_to_encoding) else: self.namespace_to_name_to_encoding = {} self.namespace_to_identifier_to_encoding = {} if not skip_validation: self.identifier_fqualified.setParseAction(self.handle_identifier_fqualified) self.identifier_qualified.setParseAction(self.handle_identifier_qualified) self.namespace_to_pattern = namespace_to_pattern or {} if ensure_go and 'go' not in self.namespace_to_name_to_encoding: self.namespace_to_pattern['go'] = re.compile(r'^\d+$') self.default_namespace = set(default_namespace) if default_namespace is not None else None self.allow_naked_names = allow_naked_names self.identifier_bare = (ns | quote)(NAME) self.identifier_bare.setParseAction( self.handle_namespace_default if self.default_namespace else self.handle_namespace_lenient if self.allow_naked_names else self.handle_namespace_invalid, ) super().__init__( self.identifier_fqualified | self.identifier_qualified | self.identifier_bare, )
[docs] def has_enumerated_namespace(self, namespace: str) -> bool: """Check that the namespace has been defined by an enumeration.""" return namespace in self.namespace_to_name_to_encoding
[docs] def has_regex_namespace(self, namespace: str) -> bool: """Check that the namespace has been defined by a regular expression.""" return namespace in self.namespace_to_pattern
[docs] def raise_for_missing_namespace(self, line: str, position: int, namespace: str, name: str) -> None: """Raise an exception if the namespace is not defined.""" if not self.has_enumerated_namespace(namespace) and not self.has_regex_namespace(namespace): raise UndefinedNamespaceWarning(self.get_line_number(), line, position, namespace, name)
[docs] def raise_for_missing_name(self, line: str, position: int, namespace: str, name: str) -> None: """Raise an exception if the namespace is not defined or if it does not validate the given name.""" self.raise_for_missing_namespace(line, position, namespace, name) if self.has_enumerated_namespace(namespace) and name not in self.namespace_to_name_to_encoding[namespace]: raise MissingNamespaceNameWarning(self.get_line_number(), line, position, namespace, name) if self.has_regex_namespace(namespace) and not self.namespace_to_pattern[namespace].match(name): raise MissingNamespaceRegexWarning(self.get_line_number(), line, position, namespace, name)
[docs] def handle_identifier_fqualified(self, line: str, position: int, tokens: ParseResults) -> ParseResults: """Handle parsing a qualified OBO-style identifier.""" return self._handle_identifier(line, position, tokens, key=IDENTIFIER)
[docs] def handle_identifier_qualified(self, line: str, position: int, tokens: ParseResults) -> ParseResults: """Handle parsing a qualified identifier.""" return self._handle_identifier(line, position, tokens, key=NAME)
def _handle_identifier(self, line: str, position: int, tokens: ParseResults, key) -> ParseResults: """Handle parsing a qualified identifier.""" namespace, name = tokens[NAMESPACE], tokens[key] self.raise_for_missing_namespace(line, position, namespace, name) self.raise_for_missing_name(line, position, namespace, name) return tokens
[docs] def handle_namespace_default(self, line: str, position: int, tokens: ParseResults) -> ParseResults: """Handle parsing an identifier for the default namespace.""" name = tokens[NAME] if not self.default_namespace: raise ValueError('Default namespace is not set') if name not in self.default_namespace: raise MissingDefaultNameWarning(self.get_line_number(), line, position, name) return tokens
[docs] @staticmethod def handle_namespace_lenient(line: str, position: int, tokens: ParseResults) -> ParseResults: """Handle parsing an identifier for names missing a namespace that are outside the default namespace.""" tokens[NAMESPACE] = DIRTY logger.debug('Naked namespace: [%d] %s', position, line) return tokens
[docs] def handle_namespace_invalid(self, line: str, position: int, tokens: ParseResults) -> None: """Raise an exception when parsing a name missing a namespace.""" name = tokens[NAME] raise NakedNameWarning(self.get_line_number(), line, position, name)