Source code for pybel.parser.exc

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Exceptions for the BEL parser.

A message for "General Parser Failure" is displayed when a problem was caused due to an unforeseen error. The line
number and original statement are printed for the user to debug.

from ..exceptions import PyBELWarning
from ..utils import ensure_quotes

[docs]class BELParserWarning(PyBELWarning): """The base PyBEL parser exception, which holds the line and position where a parsing problem occurred.""" def __init__(self, line_number: int, line: str, position: int, *args): """Initialize the BEL parser warning. :param line_number: The line number on which this warning occurred :param line: The content of the line :param position: The position within the line where the warning occurred """ super().__init__(line_number, line, position, *args) self.line_number = line_number self.line = line self.position = position def __str__(self): return 'General Parser Failure on line {} at pos {}: {}'.format(self.line_number, self.position, self.line)
[docs]class BELSyntaxError(BELParserWarning, SyntaxError): """For general syntax errors."""
[docs]class InconsistentDefinitionError(BELParserWarning): """Base PyBEL error for redefinition.""" def __init__(self, line_number: int, line: str, position: int, definition: str): super(InconsistentDefinitionError, self).__init__(line_number, line, position, definition) self.definition = definition def __str__(self): return 'Tried to redefine {} with: {}'.format(self.definition, self.line)
[docs]class RedefinedNamespaceError(InconsistentDefinitionError): """Raised when a namespace is redefined."""
[docs]class RedefinedAnnotationError(InconsistentDefinitionError): """Raised when an annotation is redefined."""
# Naming Warnings
[docs]class NameWarning(BELParserWarning): """The base class for errors related to nomenclature.""" def __init__(self, line_number: int, line: str, position: int, name: str, *args): """Build a warning wrapping a given name.""" super().__init__(line_number, line, position, name, *args) = name
[docs]class NakedNameWarning(NameWarning): """Raised when there is an identifier without a namespace. Enable lenient mode to suppress.""" def __str__(self): return '"{}" should be qualified with a valid namespace'.format(
[docs]class MissingDefaultNameWarning(NameWarning): """Raised if reference to value not in default namespace.""" def __str__(self): return '"{}" is not in the default namespace'.format(
[docs]class NamespaceIdentifierWarning(NameWarning): """The base class for warnings related to namespace:name identifiers.""" def __init__(self, line_number: int, line: str, position: int, namespace: str, name: str): """Initialize the namespace identifier warning. :param line_number: The line number of the line that caused the exception :param line: The line that caused the exception :param position: The line's position of the exception :param namespace: The namespace of the identifier :param name: The name of the identifier """ super(NamespaceIdentifierWarning, self).__init__(line_number, line, position, name, namespace) self.namespace = namespace
[docs]class UndefinedNamespaceWarning(NamespaceIdentifierWarning): """Raised if reference made to undefined namespace.""" def __str__(self): return '"{}" is not a defined namespace'.format(self.namespace)
[docs]class MissingNamespaceNameWarning(NamespaceIdentifierWarning): """Raised if reference to value not in namespace.""" def __str__(self): return '"{}" is not in the {} namespace'.format(, self.namespace)
[docs]class MissingNamespaceRegexWarning(NamespaceIdentifierWarning): """Raised if reference not matching regex.""" def __str__(self): return '''"{}" doesn't match the regex for {} namespace'''.format(, self.namespace)
[docs]class AnnotationWarning(BELParserWarning): """Base exception for annotation warnings.""" def __init__(self, line_number, line, position, annotation, *args): """Build an AnnotationWarning. :param int line_number: The line number on which the warning occurred :param str line: The line on which the warning occurred :param int position: The position in the line that caused the warning :param str annotation: The annotation name that caused the warning """ super(AnnotationWarning, self).__init__(line_number, line, position, annotation, *args) self.annotation = annotation
[docs]class UndefinedAnnotationWarning(AnnotationWarning): """Raised when an undefined annotation is used.""" def __str__(self): return '''"{}" is not defined'''.format(self.annotation)
[docs]class MissingAnnotationKeyWarning(AnnotationWarning): """Raised when trying to unset an annotation that is not set.""" def __str__(self): return '''"{}" is not set, so it can't be unset'''.format(self.annotation)
[docs]class AnnotationIdentifierWarning(AnnotationWarning): """Base exception for annotation:value pairs.""" def __init__(self, line_number, line, position, annotation, value): super(AnnotationIdentifierWarning, self).__init__(line_number, line, position, annotation, value) self.value = value
[docs]class IllegalAnnotationValueWarning(AnnotationIdentifierWarning): """Raised when an annotation has a value that does not belong to the original set of valid annotation values.""" def __str__(self): return '"{}" is not defined in the {} annotation'.format(self.value, self.annotation)
[docs]class MissingAnnotationRegexWarning(AnnotationIdentifierWarning): """Raised if annotation doesn't match regex.""" def __str__(self): return '''"{}" doesn't match the regex for {} annotation'''.format(self.value, self.annotation)
# Provenance Warnings
[docs]class VersionFormatWarning(BELParserWarning): """Raised if the version string doesn't adhere to semantic versioning or ``YYYYMMDD`` format.""" def __init__(self, line_number, line, position, version_string): super(VersionFormatWarning, self).__init__(line_number, line, position, version_string) self.version_string = version_string def __str__(self): return ( 'Version string "{}" neither is a date like YYYYMMDD nor adheres to semantic versioning.' ' See'.format(self.version_string) )
[docs]class MetadataException(BELParserWarning): """Base exception for issues with document metadata.""" def __str__(self): return 'Invalid metadata - "{}"'.format(self.line)
[docs]class MalformedMetadataException(MetadataException): """Raised when an invalid metadata line is encountered."""
[docs]class InvalidMetadataException(BELParserWarning): """Raised when an incorrect document metadata key is used. .. hint:: Valid document metadata keys are: - ``Authors`` - ``ContactInfo`` - ``Copyright`` - ``Description`` - ``Disclaimer`` - ``Licenses`` - ``Name`` - ``Version`` .. seealso:: BEL specification on the `properties section < bel_specification_version_1.0.html#_properties_section>`_ """ def __init__(self, line_number, line, position, key, value): super(InvalidMetadataException, self).__init__(line_number, line, position, key, value) self.key = key self.value = value def __str__(self): return 'Invalid document metadata key: {}'.format(self.key)
[docs]class MissingMetadataException(BELParserWarning): """Raised when a BEL Script is missing critical metadata.""" def __init__(self, line_number, line, position, key): super(MissingMetadataException, self).__init__(line_number, line, position, key) self.key = key def __str__(self): return 'Missing required document metadata: {}'.format(self.key)
[docs] @staticmethod def make(key: str): """Build an instance of this class with auto-filled dummy values. Unlike normal classes, polymorphism on __init__ can't be used for exceptions when pickling/unpickling. """ return MissingMetadataException(0, '', 0, key)
[docs]class InvalidCitationLengthException(BELParserWarning): """Base exception raised when the format for a citation is wrong."""
[docs]class CitationTooShortException(InvalidCitationLengthException): """Raised when a citation does not have the minimum of {type, name, reference}.""" def __str__(self): return "Citation is missing required fields: {}".format(self.line)
[docs]class CitationTooLongException(InvalidCitationLengthException): """Raised when a citation has more than the allowed entries, {type, name, reference, date, authors, comments}.""" def __str__(self): return "Citation contains too many entries: {}".format(self.line)
[docs]class MissingCitationException(BELParserWarning): """Raised when trying to parse a BEL statement, but no citation is currently set. This might be due to a previous error in the formatting of a citation. Though it's not a best practice, some BEL curators set other annotations before the citation. If this is the case in your BEL document, and you're *absolutely* sure that all ``UNSET`` statements are correctly written, you can use ``citation_clearing=True`` as a keyword argument in any of the IO functions in :func:`pybel.from_lines`, :func:`pybel.from_url`, or :func:`pybel.from_path`. """ def __str__(self): return "Missing citation; can't add: {}".format(self.line)
[docs]class MissingSupportWarning(BELParserWarning): """Raised when trying to parse a BEL statement, but no evidence is currently set. All BEL statements must be qualified with evidence. If your data is serialized from a database and provenance information is not readily accessible, consider referencing the publication for the database, or a url pointing to the data from either a programmatically or human-readable endpoint. """ def __str__(self): return "Missing evidence; can't add: {}".format(self.line)
[docs]class MissingAnnotationWarning(BELParserWarning): """Raised when trying to parse a BEL statement and a required annotation is not present.""" def __init__(self, line_number, line, position, required_annotations): super(MissingAnnotationWarning, self).__init__(line_number, line, position, required_annotations) self.required_annotations = required_annotations def __str__(self): return 'Missing annotations: {}'.format(', '.join(sorted(self.required_annotations)))
[docs]class InvalidCitationType(BELParserWarning): """Raised when a citation is set with an incorrect type. .. hint:: Valid citation types include: - ``Book`` - ``PubMed`` - ``Journal`` - ``Online Resource`` - ``URL`` - ``DOI`` - ``Other`` .. seealso:: OpenBEL wiki on `citations <>`_ """ def __init__(self, line_number, line, position, citation_type): super(InvalidCitationType, self).__init__(line_number, line, position, citation_type) self.citation_type = citation_type def __str__(self): return '"{}" is not a valid citation type'.format(self.citation_type)
[docs]class InvalidPubMedIdentifierWarning(BELParserWarning): """Raised when a citation is set whose type is ``PubMed`` but whose database identifier is not a valid integer.""" def __init__(self, line_number, line, position, reference): super(InvalidPubMedIdentifierWarning, self).__init__(line_number, line, position, reference) self.reference = reference def __str__(self): return '"{}" is not a valid PubMed identifier'.format(self.reference)
# BEL Syntax Warnings
[docs]class MalformedTranslocationWarning(BELParserWarning): """Raised when there is a translocation statement without location information.""" def __init__(self, line_number, line, position, tokens): super(MalformedTranslocationWarning, self).__init__(line_number, line, position, tokens) self.tokens = tokens def __str__(self): return 'Unqualified translocation: {} {}'.format(self.line, self.tokens)
[docs]class PlaceholderAminoAcidWarning(BELParserWarning): """Raised when an invalid amino acid code is given. One example might be the usage of X, which is a colloquial signifier for a truncation in a given position. Text mining efforts for knowledge extraction make this mistake often. X might also signify a placeholder amino acid. """ def __init__(self, line_number, line, position, code): super(PlaceholderAminoAcidWarning, self).__init__(line_number, line, position, code) self.code = code def __str__(self): return 'Placeholder amino acid found: {}'.format(self.code)
[docs]class NestedRelationWarning(BELParserWarning): """Raised when encountering a nested statement. See our the docs for an explanation of why we explicitly do not support nested statements. """ def __str__(self): return 'Nesting is not supported. Split this statement: {}'.format(self.line)
# Semantic Warnings
[docs]class InvalidEntity(BELParserWarning): """Raised when using a non-entity name for a name.""" def __init__(self, line_number, line, position, namespace, name): super().__init__(line_number, line, position, namespace, name) self.namespace = namespace = name def __str__(self): return '{}:{} should not be coded as an entity'.format(self.namespace, ensure_quotes(
[docs]class InvalidFunctionSemantic(BELParserWarning): """Raised when an invalid function is used for a given node. For example, an HGNC symbol for a protein-coding gene YFG cannot be referenced as an miRNA with ``m(HGNC:YFG)`` """ def __init__(self, line_number, line, position, func, namespace, name, allowed_functions): super().__init__(line_number, line, position, func, namespace, name, allowed_functions) self.func = func self.namespace = namespace = name self.allowed_functions = allowed_functions def __str__(self): return "{} {}:{} should be encoded as one of: {}".format( self.func, self.namespace, ensure_quotes(, ', '.join(self.allowed_functions), )