Source code for pybel.parser.parse_metadata

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""This module supports the relation parser by handling statements."""

import logging
import re
from typing import Mapping, Optional, Pattern, Set

from pyparsing import And, MatchFirst, ParseResults, Suppress, Word, pyparsing_common as ppc

from .baseparser import BaseParser
from .constants import NamespaceTermEncodingMapping
from .exc import InvalidMetadataException, RedefinedAnnotationError, RedefinedNamespaceError, VersionFormatWarning
from .utils import delimited_quoted_list, qid, quote, word
from ..constants import (
from ..resources.resources import keyword_to_url
from ..utils import valid_date_version

__all__ = [

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

as_tag = Suppress(BEL_KEYWORD_AS)
url_tag = Suppress(BEL_KEYWORD_URL)
list_tag = Suppress(BEL_KEYWORD_LIST)
set_tag = Suppress(BEL_KEYWORD_SET)
define_tag = Suppress(BEL_KEYWORD_DEFINE)

function_tags = Word(''.join(belns_encodings))


MALFORMED_VERSION_STRING_RE = re.compile(r'(?P<major>\d+)(\.(?P<minor>\d+)(\.(?P<patch>\d+))?)?')


[docs]class MetadataParser(BaseParser): """A parser for the document and definitions section of a BEL document. .. seealso:: BEL 1.0 Specification for the `DEFINE <>`_ keyword """ def __init__( self, manager, namespace_to_term_to_encoding: Optional[NamespaceTermEncodingMapping] = None, namespace_to_pattern: Optional[Mapping[str, Pattern]] = None, annotation_to_term: Optional[Mapping[str, Set[str]]] = None, annotation_to_pattern: Optional[Mapping[str, Pattern]] = None, annotation_to_local: Optional[Mapping[str, Set[str]]] = None, default_namespace: Optional[Set[str]] = None, allow_redefinition: bool = False, skip_validation: bool = False, upgrade_urls: bool = False, ) -> None: """Build a metadata parser. :param manager: A cache manager :param namespace_to_term_to_encoding: An enumerated namespace mapping from {namespace keyword: {(identifier, name): encoding}} :param namespace_to_pattern: A regular expression namespace mapping from {namespace keyword: regex string} :param annotation_to_term: Enumerated annotation mapping from {annotation keyword: set of valid values} :param annotation_to_pattern: Regular expression annotation mapping from {annotation keyword: regex string} :param default_namespace: A set of strings that can be used without a namespace :param skip_validation: If true, don't download and cache namespaces/annotations """ #: This metadata parser's internal definition cache manager self.manager = manager self.disallow_redefinition = not allow_redefinition self.skip_validation = skip_validation self.upgrade_urls = upgrade_urls #: A dictionary of cached {namespace keyword: {(identifier, name): encoding}} self.namespace_to_term_to_encoding = namespace_to_term_to_encoding or {} #: A set of namespaces's URLs that can't be cached self.uncachable_namespaces = set() #: A dictionary of {namespace keyword: regular expression string} self.namespace_to_pattern = namespace_to_pattern or {} #: A set of names that can be used without a namespace self.default_namespace = set(default_namespace) if default_namespace is not None else None #: A dictionary of cached {annotation keyword: set of values} self.annotation_to_term = annotation_to_term or {} #: A dictionary of {annotation keyword: regular expression string} self.annotation_to_pattern = annotation_to_pattern or {} #: A dictionary of cached {annotation keyword: set of values} self.annotation_to_local = annotation_to_local or {} #: A dictionary containing the document metadata self.document_metadata = {} #: A dictionary from {namespace keyword: BEL namespace URL} self.namespace_url_dict = {} #: A dictionary from {annotation keyword: BEL annotation URL} self.annotation_url_dict = {} self.document = And([ set_tag, Suppress(BEL_KEYWORD_DOCUMENT), word('key'), Suppress('='), qid('value'), ]) namespace_tag = And([define_tag, Suppress(BEL_KEYWORD_NAMESPACE), ppc.identifier('name'), as_tag]) self.namespace_url = And([namespace_tag, url_tag, quote('url')]) self.namespace_pattern = And([namespace_tag, Suppress(BEL_KEYWORD_PATTERN), quote('value')]) annotation_tag = And([define_tag, Suppress(BEL_KEYWORD_ANNOTATION), ppc.identifier('name'), as_tag]) self.annotation_url = And([annotation_tag, url_tag, quote('url')]) self.annotation_list = And([annotation_tag, list_tag, delimited_quoted_list('values')]) self.annotation_pattern = And([annotation_tag, Suppress(BEL_KEYWORD_PATTERN), quote('value')]) self.document.setParseAction(self.handle_document) self.namespace_url.setParseAction(self.handle_namespace_url) self.namespace_pattern.setParseAction(self.handle_namespace_pattern) self.annotation_url.setParseAction(self.handle_annotations_url) self.annotation_list.setParseAction(self.handle_annotation_list) self.annotation_pattern.setParseAction(self.handle_annotation_pattern) self.language = MatchFirst([ self.document, self.namespace_url, self.annotation_url, self.annotation_list, self.annotation_pattern, self.namespace_pattern, ]).setName('BEL Metadata') super(MetadataParser, self).__init__(self.language)
[docs] def handle_document(self, line: str, position: int, tokens: ParseResults) -> ParseResults: """Handle statements like ``SET DOCUMENT X = "Y"``. :raises: InvalidMetadataException :raises: VersionFormatWarning """ key = tokens['key'] value = tokens['value'] if key not in DOCUMENT_KEYS: raise InvalidMetadataException(self.get_line_number(), line, position, key, value) norm_key = DOCUMENT_KEYS[key] if norm_key in self.document_metadata: logger.warning('Tried to overwrite metadata: %s', key) return tokens self.document_metadata[norm_key] = value if norm_key == METADATA_VERSION: self.raise_for_version(line, position, value) return tokens
[docs] def raise_for_redefined_namespace(self, line: str, position: int, namespace: str) -> None: """Raise an exception if a namespace is already defined. :raises: RedefinedNamespaceError """ if self.disallow_redefinition and self.has_namespace(namespace): raise RedefinedNamespaceError(self.get_line_number(), line, position, namespace)
[docs] def handle_namespace_url(self, line: str, position: int, tokens: ParseResults) -> ParseResults: """Handle statements like ``DEFINE NAMESPACE X AS URL "Y"``. :raises: RedefinedNamespaceError :raises: pybel.resources.exc.ResourceError """ namespace_keyword = tokens['name'] if namespace_keyword in NAMESPACE_BLACKLIST: raise ValueError('Upgrade usage to FamPlex') self.raise_for_redefined_namespace(line, position, namespace_keyword) url = tokens['url'] if self.upgrade_urls and namespace_keyword.lower() in keyword_to_url: url = keyword_to_url[namespace_keyword.lower()] self.namespace_url_dict[namespace_keyword] = url if self.skip_validation: return tokens namespace = self.manager.get_or_create_namespace(url) self.namespace_to_term_to_encoding[namespace_keyword] = namespace.get_term_to_encodings() return tokens
[docs] def handle_namespace_pattern(self, line: str, position: int, tokens: ParseResults) -> ParseResults: """Handle statements like ``DEFINE NAMESPACE X AS PATTERN "Y"``. :raises: RedefinedNamespaceError """ namespace = tokens['name'] self.raise_for_redefined_namespace(line, position, namespace) self.namespace_to_pattern[namespace] = re.compile(tokens['value']) return tokens
[docs] def raise_for_redefined_annotation(self, line: str, position: int, annotation: str) -> None: """Raise an exception if the given annotation is already defined. :raises: RedefinedAnnotationError """ if self.disallow_redefinition and self.has_annotation(annotation): raise RedefinedAnnotationError(self.get_line_number(), line, position, annotation)
[docs] def handle_annotations_url(self, line: str, position: int, tokens: ParseResults) -> ParseResults: """Handle statements like ``DEFINE ANNOTATION X AS URL "Y"``. :raises: RedefinedAnnotationError """ keyword = tokens['name'] self.raise_for_redefined_annotation(line, position, keyword) url = tokens['url'] self.annotation_url_dict[keyword] = url if self.skip_validation: return tokens self.annotation_to_term[keyword] = self.manager.get_annotation_entry_names(url) return tokens
[docs] def handle_annotation_list(self, line: str, position: int, tokens: ParseResults) -> ParseResults: """Handle statements like ``DEFINE ANNOTATION X AS LIST {"Y","Z", ...}``. :raises: RedefinedAnnotationError """ annotation = tokens['name'] self.raise_for_redefined_annotation(line, position, annotation) self.annotation_to_local[annotation] = set(tokens['values']) return tokens
[docs] def handle_annotation_pattern(self, line: str, position: int, tokens: ParseResults) -> ParseResults: """Handle statements like ``DEFINE ANNOTATION X AS PATTERN "Y"``. :raises: RedefinedAnnotationError """ annotation = tokens['name'] self.raise_for_redefined_annotation(line, position, annotation) self.annotation_to_pattern[annotation] = re.compile(tokens['value']) return tokens
[docs] def has_enumerated_annotation(self, annotation: str) -> bool: """Check if this annotation is defined by an enumeration.""" return annotation in self.annotation_to_term
[docs] def has_regex_annotation(self, annotation: str) -> bool: """Check if this annotation is defined by a regular expression.""" return annotation in self.annotation_to_pattern
[docs] def has_local_annotation(self, annotation: str) -> bool: """Check if this annotation is defined by an locally.""" return annotation in self.annotation_to_local
[docs] def has_annotation(self, annotation: str) -> bool: """Check if this annotation is defined.""" return ( self.has_enumerated_annotation(annotation) or self.has_regex_annotation(annotation) or self.has_local_annotation(annotation) )
[docs] def has_enumerated_namespace(self, namespace: str) -> bool: """Check if this namespace is defined by an enumeration.""" return namespace in self.namespace_to_term_to_encoding
[docs] def has_regex_namespace(self, namespace: str) -> bool: """Check if this namespace is defined by a regular expression.""" return namespace in self.namespace_to_pattern
[docs] def has_namespace(self, namespace: str) -> bool: """Check if this namespace is defined.""" return self.has_enumerated_namespace(namespace) or self.has_regex_namespace(namespace)
[docs] def raise_for_version(self, line: str, position: int, version: str) -> None: """Check that a version string is valid for BEL documents. This means it's either in the YYYYMMDD or semantic version format. :param line: The line being parsed :param position: The position in the line being parsed :param str version: A version string :raises: VersionFormatWarning """ if valid_date_version(version): return if not SEMANTIC_VERSION_STRING_RE.match(version): raise VersionFormatWarning(self.get_line_number(), line, position, version)