Source code for pybel.struct.summary.node_summary

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Summary functions for nodes in BEL graphs."""

import itertools as itt
import typing
from collections import Counter, defaultdict
from typing import Any, Iterable, List, Mapping, Optional, Set, Tuple

from ..filters.node_predicates import has_variant
from ..graph import BELGraph
from ...constants import (
from ...dsl import BaseConcept, BaseEntity, CentralDogma, FusionBase, ListAbundance, Pathology, Reaction
from ...dsl.node_classes import EntityVariant
from ...language import Entity

__all__ = [

def _function_iterator(graph: BELGraph) -> Iterable[str]:
    """Iterate over the functions in a graph.

    :param graph: A BEL graph
    return (
        for node in graph

[docs]def get_functions(graph: BELGraph) -> Set[str]: """Get the set of all functions used in this graph. :param graph: A BEL graph :return: A set of functions """ return set(_function_iterator(graph))
[docs]def count_functions(graph: BELGraph) -> typing.Counter[str]: """Count the frequency of each function present in a graph. :param graph: A BEL graph :return: A Counter from {function: frequency} """ return Counter(_function_iterator(graph))
def _iterate_namespaces(graph: BELGraph) -> Iterable[str]: """Iterate over all namespaces found in the graph. :param graph: A BEL graph """ for entity in itt.chain(iterate_entities(graph), _iterate_edge_entities(graph)): yield entity.namespace def _iterate_edge_entities(graph: BELGraph) -> Iterable[Entity]: for ((_, _, data), side) in itt.product(graph.edges(data=True), (SUBJECT, OBJECT)): side_data = data.get(side) if side_data is None: continue modifier = side_data.get(MODIFIER) effect = side_data.get(EFFECT) if modifier == ACTIVITY and effect is not None: assert isinstance(effect, Entity) yield effect elif modifier == TRANSLOCATION and effect is not None: from_loc = effect[FROM_LOC] assert isinstance(from_loc, Entity) yield from_loc to_loc = effect[TO_LOC] assert isinstance(to_loc, Entity) yield to_loc location = side_data.get(LOCATION) if location is not None: assert isinstance(location, Entity) yield location
[docs]def count_namespaces(graph: BELGraph) -> typing.Counter[str]: """Count the frequency of each namespace across all nodes (that have namespaces). :param graph: A BEL graph :return: A Counter from {namespace: frequency} """ return Counter(_iterate_namespaces(graph))
[docs]def get_namespaces(graph: BELGraph) -> Set[str]: """Get the set of all namespaces used in this graph. :param graph: A BEL graph :return: A set of namespaces """ return set(_iterate_namespaces(graph))
[docs]def get_unused_namespaces(graph: BELGraph) -> Set[str]: """Get the set of all namespaces that are defined in a graph, but are never used. :param graph: A BEL graph :return: A set of namespaces that are included but not used """ return graph.defined_namespace_keywords - get_namespaces(graph)
[docs]def get_names(graph: BELGraph) -> Mapping[str, Set[str]]: """Get all names for each namespace. :param graph: A BEL graph """ rv = defaultdict(set) for namespace, name in _identifier_filtered_iterator(graph): rv[namespace].add(name) return dict(rv)
[docs]def iterate_entities(graph: BELGraph) -> Iterable[Entity]: """Iterate over all entities in the graph. :param graph: A BEL graph """ for node in graph: yield from iterate_node_entities(node)
[docs]def iterate_node_entities(node: BaseEntity) -> Iterable[Entity]: """Iterate over all named entities that comprise a node. This includes the node's name, the members/reactants/products of the node, the fusion partners, the named variants, and all recursive ones too. :param node: A BEL node Entities in a simple protein: >>> from pybel.dsl import Protein >>> from pybel.language import Entity >>> from pybel.struct.summary import iterate_entities >>> protein = Protein(namespace='hgnc', identifier='1455', name='CALR') >>> protein_entities = list(iterate_node_entities(protein)) >>> assert [Entity(namespace='hgnc', identifier='1455', name='CALR')] == protein_entities Entities in a protein complex: >>> from pybel.dsl import Protein, ComplexAbundance >>> from pybel.language import Entity >>> from pybel.struct.summary import iterate_entities >>> protein_1 = Protein(namespace='hgnc', identifier='1') >>> protein_2 = Protein(namespace='hgnc', identifier='2') >>> complex_1 = ComplexAbundance([protein_1, protein_2]) >>> complex_entities = list(iterate_node_entities(complex_1)) >>> assert [Entity(namespace='hgnc', identifier='1'), Entity(namespace='hgnc', identifier='2')] == complex_entities """ if isinstance(node, BaseConcept): yield node.entity if isinstance(node, ListAbundance): for member in node.members: yield from iterate_node_entities(member) if isinstance(node, Reaction): for member in itt.chain(node.reactants, node.products): yield from iterate_node_entities(member) if isinstance(node, CentralDogma): for variant in node.variants or []: if isinstance(variant, EntityVariant): yield variant.entity if isinstance(node, FusionBase): yield from iterate_node_entities(node.partner_5p) yield from iterate_node_entities(node.partner_3p)
def _identifier_filtered_iterator(graph) -> Iterable[Tuple[str, str]]: """Iterate over names in the given namespace.""" for data in graph: for pair in _get_node_names(data): yield pair for member in data.get(MEMBERS, []): for pair in _get_node_names(member): yield pair for ((_, _, data), side) in itt.product(graph.edges(data=True), (SUBJECT, OBJECT)): side_data = data.get(side) if side_data is None: continue modifier = side_data.get(MODIFIER) effect = side_data.get(EFFECT) if modifier == ACTIVITY and effect is not None and NAMESPACE in effect and NAME in effect: yield effect[NAMESPACE], effect[NAME] elif modifier == TRANSLOCATION and effect is not None: from_loc = effect.get(FROM_LOC) if NAMESPACE in from_loc and NAME in from_loc: yield from_loc[NAMESPACE], from_loc[NAME] to_loc = effect.get(TO_LOC) if NAMESPACE in to_loc and NAME in to_loc: yield to_loc[NAMESPACE], to_loc[NAME] location = side_data.get(LOCATION) if location is not None and NAMESPACE in location and NAME in location: yield location[NAMESPACE], location[NAME] def _get_node_names(data: Mapping[str, Any]) -> Iterable[Tuple[str, str]]: if CONCEPT in data: yield data[CONCEPT][NAMESPACE], data[CONCEPT][NAME] elif FUSION in data: partner_5p_concept = data[FUSION][PARTNER_5P][CONCEPT] partner_3p_concept = data[FUSION][PARTNER_3P][CONCEPT] yield partner_5p_concept[NAMESPACE], partner_5p_concept[NAME] yield partner_3p_concept[NAMESPACE], partner_3p_concept[NAME] if VARIANTS in data: for variant in data[VARIANTS]: concept = variant.get(CONCEPT) if concept is not None and NAMESPACE in concept and NAME in concept: yield concept[NAMESPACE], concept[NAME] def _namespace_filtered_iterator(graph: BELGraph, namespace: str) -> Iterable[str]: """Iterate over names in the given namespace. :param graph: A BEL graph :param namespace: A namespace prefix """ for it_namespace, name in _identifier_filtered_iterator(graph): if namespace == it_namespace: yield name
[docs]def count_names_by_namespace(graph: BELGraph, namespace: str) -> typing.Counter[str]: """Get the set of all of the names in a given namespace that are in the graph. :param graph: A BEL graph :param namespace: A namespace prefix :return: A counter from {name: frequency} :raises IndexError: if the namespace is not defined in the graph. """ if namespace not in graph.defined_namespace_keywords: raise IndexError('{} is not defined in {}'.format(namespace, graph)) return Counter(_namespace_filtered_iterator(graph, namespace))
[docs]def get_names_by_namespace(graph: BELGraph, namespace: str) -> Set[str]: """Get the set of all of the names in a given namespace that are in the graph. :param pybel.BELGraph graph: A BEL graph :param namespace: A namespace prefix :return: A set of names belonging to the given namespace that are in the given graph :raises IndexError: if the namespace is not defined in the graph. """ if namespace not in graph.defined_namespace_keywords: raise IndexError('{} is not defined in {}'.format(namespace, graph)) return set(_namespace_filtered_iterator(graph, namespace))
[docs]def count_variants(graph: BELGraph) -> typing.Counter[str]: """Count how many of each type of variant a graph has. :param graph: A BEL graph """ return Counter( variant_data[KIND] for data in graph if has_variant(graph, data) for variant_data in data[VARIANTS] )
[docs]def get_top_hubs(graph: BELGraph, *, n: Optional[int] = 15) -> List[Tuple[BaseEntity, int]]: """Get the top hubs in the graph by BEL. :param graph: A BEL graph :param n: The number of top hubs to return. If None, returns all nodes """ return Counter(dict(
[docs]def count_pathologies(graph: BELGraph) -> typing.Counter[BaseEntity]: """Count the number of edges in which each pathology is incident. :param graph: A BEL graph """ # Don't double count relationships edges = {tuple(sorted([u, v], key=lambda node: node.as_bel())) for u, v in graph.edges()} return Counter( node for node in itt.chain.from_iterable(edges) if isinstance(node, Pathology) )
[docs]def get_top_pathologies(graph: BELGraph, n: Optional[int] = 15) -> List[Tuple[BaseEntity, int]]: """Get the top highest relationship-having edges in the graph by BEL. :param graph: A BEL graph :param n: The number of top connected pathologies to return. If None, returns all nodes """ return count_pathologies(graph).most_common(n)
[docs]def get_ungrounded_nodes(graph: BELGraph) -> Set[BaseEntity]: """Get all ungrounded nodes in the graph. :param graph: A BEL graph """ return { node for node in graph if not node_is_grounded(node) }
[docs]def node_is_grounded(node: BaseEntity) -> bool: """Check if a node is grounded. :param node: A BEL node """ return all( entity.identifier is not None and is not None for entity in iterate_node_entities(node) )