Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Conversion functions for BEL graphs with bytes and Python pickles."""

from pickle import HIGHEST_PROTOCOL, dumps, loads
from typing import BinaryIO, Union

import networkx as nx

from .utils import raise_for_not_bel, raise_for_old_graph
from ..struct.graph import BELGraph

__all__ = [

[docs]def to_bytes(graph: BELGraph, protocol: int = HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) -> bytes: """Convert a graph to bytes with pickle. Note that the pickle module has some incompatibilities between Python 2 and 3. To export a universally importable pickle, choose 0, 1, or 2. :param graph: A BEL network :param protocol: Pickling protocol to use. Defaults to ``HIGHEST_PROTOCOL``. .. seealso:: """ raise_for_not_bel(graph) return dumps(graph, protocol=protocol)
[docs]def from_bytes(bytes_graph: bytes, check_version: bool = True) -> BELGraph: """Read a graph from bytes (the result of pickling the graph). :param bytes_graph: File or filename to write :param check_version: Checks if the graph was produced by this version of PyBEL """ graph = loads(bytes_graph) raise_for_not_bel(graph) if check_version: raise_for_old_graph(graph) return graph
[docs]def to_pickle(graph: BELGraph, path: Union[str, BinaryIO], protocol: int = HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) -> None: """Write this graph to a pickle object with :func:`networkx.write_gpickle`. Note that the pickle module has some incompatibilities between Python 2 and 3. To export a universally importable pickle, choose 0, 1, or 2. :param graph: A BEL graph :param path: A path or file-like :param protocol: Pickling protocol to use. Defaults to ``HIGHEST_PROTOCOL``. .. seealso:: """ raise_for_not_bel(graph) nx.write_gpickle(graph, path, protocol=protocol)
[docs]def from_pickle(path: Union[str, BinaryIO], check_version: bool = True) -> BELGraph: """Read a graph from a pickle file. :param path: File or filename to read. Filenames ending in .gz or .bz2 will be uncompressed. :param bool check_version: Checks if the graph was produced by this version of PyBEL """ graph = nx.read_gpickle(path) raise_for_not_bel(graph) if check_version: raise_for_old_graph(graph) return graph