Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Convert BEL graphs to HTML.

This module provides functions for making HTML visualizations of BEL Graphs. Because the :class:`pybel.BELGraph`
inherits from :class:`networkx.MultiDiGraph`, it can also be visualized using :mod:`networkx`
`library <>`_.

import json
from typing import Mapping, Optional, TextIO, Union

from networkx.utils import open_file

from .constants import DEFAULT_COLOR_MAP
from ..jinja_utils import build_template_renderer
from ..nodelink import to_nodelink_jsons
from ...struct import BELGraph

__all__ = [

#: Renders templates from folder
render_template = build_template_renderer(__file__)

[docs]def to_html(graph: BELGraph, color_map: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None) -> str: """Create an HTML visualization for the given JSON representation of a BEL graph. :param graph: A BEL graph :param color_map: A dictionary from PyBEL internal node functions to CSS color strings like #FFEE00. Defaults to :data:`default_color_map` :return: HTML string representing the graph """ color_map = DEFAULT_COLOR_MAP if color_map is None else color_map return render_template( 'graph_template.html', graph=to_nodelink_jsons(graph), color_map=json.dumps(color_map), number_nodes=graph.number_of_nodes(), number_edges=graph.number_of_edges(), )
[docs]@open_file(1, mode='w') def to_html_file( graph: BELGraph, file: Union[str, TextIO], color_map: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None, ) -> None: """Write the HTML visualization to a file or file-like. :param graph: A BEL graph :param color_map: A dictionary from PyBEL internal node functions to CSS color strings like #FFEE00. Defaults to :data:`default_color_map` :param file file: A writable file or file-like or file path """ print(to_html(graph, color_map=color_map), file=file)