Source code for pybel.struct.filters.edge_filters

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Filter functions for edges in BEL graphs.

A edge predicate is a function that takes five arguments: a :class:`BELGraph`, a source node, a target node, a key,
and a data dictionary. It returns a boolean representing whether the edge passed the given test.

This module contains a set of default functions for filtering lists of edges and building edge predicate functions.

A general use for an edge predicate is to use the built-in :func:`filter` in code like
:code:`filter(your_edge_predicate, graph.edges(keys=True, data=True))`

from typing import Iterable

from .typing import EdgeIterator, EdgePredicate, EdgePredicates
from ..graph import BELGraph
from ...dsl import BaseEntity

__all__ = [

[docs]def invert_edge_predicate(edge_predicate: EdgePredicate) -> EdgePredicate: # noqa: D202 """Build an edge predicate that is the inverse of the given edge predicate.""" def _inverse_filter(graph, u, v, k): return not edge_predicate(graph, u, v, k) return _inverse_filter
[docs]def and_edge_predicates(edge_predicates: EdgePredicates) -> EdgePredicate: """Concatenate multiple edge predicates to a new predicate that requires all predicates to be met.""" # If something that isn't a list or tuple is given, assume it's a function and return it if not isinstance(edge_predicates, Iterable): return edge_predicates edge_predicates = tuple(edge_predicates) # If only one predicate is given, don't bother wrapping it if 1 == len(edge_predicates): return edge_predicates[0] def concatenated_edge_predicate(graph: BELGraph, u: BaseEntity, v: BaseEntity, k: str) -> bool: """Pass only for an edge that pass all enclosed predicates. :return: If the edge passes all enclosed predicates """ return all(edge_predicate(graph, u, v, k) for edge_predicate in edge_predicates) return concatenated_edge_predicate
[docs]def filter_edges(graph: BELGraph, edge_predicates: EdgePredicates) -> EdgeIterator: """Apply a set of filters to the edges iterator of a BEL graph. :return: An iterable of edges that pass all predicates """ compound_edge_predicate = and_edge_predicates(edge_predicates=edge_predicates) for u, v, k in graph.edges(keys=True): if compound_edge_predicate(graph, u, v, k): yield u, v, k
[docs]def count_passed_edge_filter(graph: BELGraph, edge_predicates: EdgePredicates) -> int: """Return the number of edges passing a given set of predicates.""" return sum(1 for _ in filter_edges(graph, edge_predicates=edge_predicates))