Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Utilities for displaying graphs with inline HTML in Jupyter Notebooks."""

from random import sample
from typing import Mapping, Optional

from .constants import DEFAULT_COLOR_MAP
from ..jinja_utils import build_template_renderer
from ..nodelink import to_nodelink_jsons
from ...struct import BELGraph

__all__ = ["to_jupyter", "to_jupyter_str"]


def _generate_id() -> str:
    """Generate a random string of letters."""
    return "".join(sample("abcdefghjkmopqrstuvqxyz", 16))

[docs]def to_jupyter( graph: BELGraph, width: int = DEFAULT_WIDTH, height: int = DEFAULT_HEIGHT, color_map: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None, ): """Display a BEL graph inline in a Jupyter notebook. To use successfully, make run as the last statement in a cell inside a Jupyter notebook. :param graph: A BEL graph :param width: The width of the visualization window to render :param height: The height of the visualization window to render :param color_map: A dictionary from PyBEL internal node functions to CSS color strings like #FFEE00. Defaults to :data:`default_color_map` :return: An IPython notebook Javascript object :rtype: :class:`IPython.display.Javascript` """ from IPython.display import Javascript return Javascript( to_jupyter_str( graph, width=width, height=height, color_map=color_map, ) )
def to_jupyter_str( graph: BELGraph, width: int = DEFAULT_WIDTH, height: int = DEFAULT_HEIGHT, color_map: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None, ) -> str: """Return the string to be javascript-ified by the Jupyter notebook function :class:`IPython.display.Javascript`. :param graph: A BEL graph :param width: The width of the visualization window to render :param height: The height of the visualization window to render :param color_map: A dictionary from PyBEL internal node functions to CSS color strings like #FFEE00. Defaults to :data:`default_color_map` :return: The javascript string to turn into magic """ gjson = to_nodelink_jsons(graph) chart_id = _generate_id() #: Renders templates from folder render_template = build_template_renderer(__file__) return render_template( "pybel_jupyter.js", graph=gjson, chart=chart_id, width=width, height=height, color_map=(color_map or DEFAULT_COLOR_MAP), )